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Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy

November 2022 revised final version


A key motivation of our community is that we believe all learners should be facilitated in reaching their academic potential. To this end The University of Glasgow is committed to ensuring that all students can equally participate in every aspect of the learning and teaching process by mainstreaming adjustments in teaching practice. We aim for our learning environment to be as inclusive as possible, so that individual interventions are the exception and not the rule.


The aim of the Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy is to exceed the requirements of the Equality Act (2010) and the UK Quality Code and deliver the University’s values of an inclusive community through the provision of accessible learning, teaching and assessment materials and methods. This will provide support to students so they can fulfill their potential, to be curious and ambitious and to fully benefit from the learning outcomes of their courses, regardless of disability.


The Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy applies to all provision and all members of the University community including;

  • All students, including research, visiting, placement and distant learning students.*
  • All members of staff holding a contract of employment, and staff from other institutions on placement at, or visiting the University.
  • Individuals with honorary or affiliate status.
  • All learning opportunities, credit-bearing and non-credit bearing, provided by the University.


 *The AILP applies to all teaching activities including online teaching to ensure the learning experience is accessible and inclusive.

The Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy

1.  The University community will, wherever possible, ensure that all teaching materials are made available to students in advance.

a. For reading lists: four weeks in advance of the start of the course, using the University Library’s Reading Lists @ Glasgow facility (see Appendix E).

b. For teaching materials that support learning throughout the course: one working day in advance of the teaching event they relate to.

c. For follow up or additional teaching material: within three working days after the last delivery of the teaching event.

d. Teaching materials should be provided in an electronic format, where appropriate and possible. All electronic materials must be produced in line with the University’s Digital Accessibility Guidance.

e. Course Conveners must recommend e-books when there is no significant pedagogical reason not to do so, to be available alongside printed copies for all core texts.

2. The University community will, wherever possible, ensure that all learning, teaching and assessment methods are accessible to all students (for course/programme design guidelines and examples of accessible teaching material see Appendices A & B).

Course and/or Programme Information documents and/or handbooks must include method of course delivery, assessment information, including assessment type, indicative marking criteria and prospective assessment dates, and should be available in electronic format.

a. Where it is necessary to change assessment methods to ensure accessibility for individuals, Course, Programme or PGR Conveners should liaise with the Disability Service to explore possible adjustments. In exceptional cases, where non-standard arrangement may be indicated, Disability Service should approach the Clerk of Senate to discuss and seek permission for the changes or to arrange a case conference at the earliest opportunity.

3. Where it is not possible to comply with 1 and 2, there must be a justifiable pedagogic reason (for example relating to accreditation or national competency standards) or relates to an accreditation requirement or similar, that is justified to the School’s Course Approval Committee, and is made clear to all students, in advance, through the course or programme handbook.

4. The University community recognises the challenges posed by the built environment for students and colleagues with access needs. The University will endeavour to ensure that accessible teaching space is available throughout the duration of courses, prioritising the continuity of venues to minimise disruption and avoid the required planning that students and colleagues then need to engage with.

5. The University community will, wherever possible, notify students in writing (e.g. Moodle, Microsoft Teams, email) of alterations to their timetable and accommodation that do not appear within My Campus/UoG Life app to assist with planning.

6. Audio recording of lectures (online and face to face) will be permitted (as per the Recording of Teaching Policy).

7. The use of lapel or other portable microphones by staff is mandatory where the technology is available. The policy welcomes annual investment to increase the number of teaching spaces that host such technology.

8. Complaints will be handled via the framework in place to deal with concerns or complaints raised by any member of staff or student (see Complaints Procedure).

9. Students are encouraged to raise any issues or concerns they may have with regards to accessibility (including computer hardware) with their course coordinators in the first instance. School disability coordinators may also be approached when issues or concerns extend over several courses.

Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility for implementing the Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy falls to (see Appendix D):

  • Academic/Course Conveners
  • School Course Approval Committee (or Director of Learning & Teaching)
  • Students
  • The Disability Service
  • College Quality & Enhancement Officers
  • Disability Coordinators
  • The Disability Equality Champion
  • The Equality & Diversity Unit
  • Academic & Digital Development
  • IT Services
  • Space Management & Timetabling Team
  • Library

Implementing the Policy

The Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy must be implemented at the point of course/programme design or redesign. For new courses, this will be discussed at College level at Boards of Studies. Academic staff are encouraged to review other existing provisions and consider adjustments to comply with the Policy at the earliest opportunity. In addition, accessibility and inclusivity of existing provision will be considered annually within the Annual Monitoring process. Further progress and feedback on implementation will be gathered via the Periodic Subject Review process and from Student Representative Council Disability Representatives to the Equality & Diversity Unit and the Disability Equality Group.


The Accessible & Inclusive Learning Policy will be formally reviewed by the Disability Equality Group, and the Learning & Teaching Committee next in 2025.

Relevant Documents

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