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Academic Policy & Governance (APG) is a unit formed from the former Senate and Academic Collaboration Offices. (See APG Welcome page for further information.)

External Reviews

The Quality Assurance Agency (Scotland) (QAAS) co-ordinates external review of quality and standards of the Scottish Higher Education Sector. From 2003-04, the review method used by QAA Scotland was called the Enhancement-Led institutional Review (ELIR), with the University last reviewed in 2018-19.

A new enhancement-led external institutional quality review method in Scotland is currently under development. It is expected that the first cycle of the new method will commence in 2024 to coincide with the introduction of the SFC’s Tertiary Quality Framework. Interim arrangements are in place for 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Quality Enhancement & Standards Review (QESR) 2022-23

Phase 1 of the new enhancement-led external institutional quality review comprises of the Quality Enhancement & Standards Review (QESR), which took place at the University on 20 April 2023, and an Institutional Liaison Meeting (ILM), which is scheduled for March 2024.

The outcome of the University’s QESR was published in June 2023, and expressed confidence in the University’s progress in continuing to monitor, review and enhance its higher education provision to enable effective arrangements to be in place for managing academic standards and the quality of the student experience.

Planning for QESR was coordinated by Academic Policy & Governance working in partnership with the Vice Principal and Assistant Vice Principal for Learning & Teaching, as well as by the QESR Steering Group, who collated and drafted documentation in consultation with a pool of ‘critical friends’ in advance of the of the submission of the initial evidence base in February. Unlike the previous ELIR process, the providers were not required to prepare a reflective analysis outlining areas of strength and opportunities for development.

The QESR outcome report, published on 15 June 2023, confirmed a confidence rating in the University’s approach to monitoring, reviewing and enhancing our provision to enable effective arrangements to be in place for managing academic standards and the quality of the student learning experience. In addition, the review team found one area of good practice relating to the Learning & Teaching Strategy and its implementation, as well as two recommendations relating to the signposting of the Student Support Officer role and ensuring a greater of parity of experience for online and blended delivery.

We are very encouraged to receive endorsement of our approach to implementing the Learning & Teaching strategy, and we accept the recommendations as helpful feedback to shape our ongoing approach to enhancing learning, teaching and the student experience.

Action Plan


Recommendation 1

Student Support Officer role: The University should ensure that the role is understood and clearly signposted as being available to support all students, including postgraduate students

Owner: Director of Student Support & Wellbeing

Action Status Progress Update/Action Taken
Align with actions from Student Wellbeing Framework Review. Take forward in conjunction with Student Facing Professional Services review of Advising Structures. In Progress The Student Wellbeing Framework Review was concluded in April 2023, and is a broad review of the student support structures across the University. A Review Implementation Group will be established to take forward the recommendations contained within the report, which will encompass the work required to support this recommendation on the Student Support Officer role. The Student Experience Committee will provide the necessary governance and oversight of the review and progress on this recommendation will be reported to Academic Policy & Governance.



Recommendation 2

Parity of experience of online and blended delivery: The University should review its current approach to online and blended delivery to ensure greater equivalence across all provision

Owner: Vice Principal Learning & Teaching and Assistant Vice Principal Learning & Teaching

Theme: Improve communication and student understanding of University policies and technological development
Action Status Progress Update/Action Taken
Review communications to staff and students around the rollout of Moodle 4 in September 2023, as well as a wider communication on Moodle templates and how courses are structured. In Progress, near completion Roadmap since April 2023. LISU have provided: Upskilling sessions in April 2023, Moodle 4 User Interface Changes (Sway Guide), Moodle 4 Sandbox. The phased induction which is now at Stage 4: College Specific Digital Drop in sessions. Moodle Templates are in development.
Consider the communications to staff via the L&T Webpages on the different pedagogical approaches to the structure and teaching of courses and the impact this will have on student comprehension. In Progress, ongoing L&T Webpages are now live, following a soft launch in October 2023. Resources will be added throughout the year and a new communications post has been established (Learning & Teaching Communications and Engagement Lead appointed late October 2023) will assist with comms for students.
Review communications to staff and students around the provision of feedback following summative examinations. In Progress Advice on progress will be provided by the World Changing Glasgow Transformation Project team by the end of Semester 2.
Theme: Improve communication and student understanding of University policies, practices and technological development
Action Status Progress Update/Action Taken
Review communications to staff and students around the recording of teaching policy, an update to which was made in June 2023 and will be submitted to Learning & Teaching Committee in September 2023.  In Progress Education Policy & Strategy Committee (EdPSC) recently approved amendments to this policy.
Estates provided an update on the recording system available in teaching spaces:
- 67 out of 78 spaces with a teaching capacity for 40 or greater are equipped for audio and/or visual recordings. The remaining 11 are unable to be equipped due to issues with infrastructure and fabric.
- A further 36 rooms (out of 126) for teaching groups smaller than 40 people, are also equipped for audio and/or visual recording. There is no firm plan to equip more of these rooms, since in the majority of cases the activity (more group-work, discussion-based) makes recording problematic or unlikely to produce a successful/meaningful output.
Theme: Unequal access to technical resources
Action Status Progress Update/Action Taken
Highlight, for awareness, concerns raised in the QESR report regarding connectivity and Wi-Fi on the Main Campus, and undertake an analysis of Wi-Fi hospots across key buildings such as the Library and JMS. In Progress, near completion Information Services have updated that the Network Improvement Programme is rolling out upgraded and updated Wi-Fi capability, to improve coverage as well as speed and capacity. Where this equipment is in place, enhanced diagnostic tools can be utilised to identify connective issues.
Establish a timeline for rollout for the Learning & Teaching Strategy workstream relating to Student Skills & Development, and the tool(s) which will enable students to document and evidence their skills development and end product. In progress, continual The Learning & Teaching Strategy: Student Skills & Development Workstream timelines have been established. The tool(s) for students to document and evidence their skills are in development. 
Establish a timeline for rollout of the Student Experience Strategy-approved Techbar, an in-person service for students combining Reach-Out, Heldesk and IT Demonstrator Support on Level 2 of the Library, In Progress, near completion  The TechBar had a soft launch in October 2023, bringing together the three services under the brand ReachOut IT. This is currently being staffed by the existing staff complement, however recruitment is underway for the new manager role, also funded by the Student Experience Strategy. This will facilitate the full service provision for the duration of the project pilot, located on L2 of the Library. Comms and engagement will also commence at this point to raise awareness and usage. Advice on further progress will also be provided by the Student Experience Strategy. 
Theme: Unequal access to learning spaces
Action Status Progress Update/Action Taken
Establish a timeline for rollout for the Timetabling Workstream 2 Transformation Project, the aim of which is to deliver a new timetabling methodology and modelling tool for the University, utilise the University’s physical estate and improve processes around matching spaces to student accessibility requirements. In Progress, continual Advice on progress will be provided by the World Changing Glasgow Transformation Project team by the end of Semester 2.


ELIR 4 - 2018-19

The University was reviewed in January and March 2019 and received the highest possible outcome; a judgement which confirmed that the University is effective in the management of academic standards and in enhancing quality. This is a positive judgement and reflects the dedication across the institution to providing an excellent student experience. 

The QAA reports are available at QAA ELIR University of Glasgow. These include the QAA's Outcome Report, Technical Reort and the University's Year-on Response to the Review.

To inform the review, the University prepared a reflective analysis outlining areas of strength and opportunities for development:

The preparations for the ELIR visit were led by the Vice Principal (Learning & Teaching) supported by the ELIR Steering Committee which contains representatives from each College, relevant services, Senate and Court. The membership of the Committee can be found ELIR Steering Committee Membership.


In all reviews to date, the ELIR review teams reached the best possible conclusions about the University: In 2019, 2014 and 2009, the team had ‘confidence’ in the effectiveness of the University’s management of academic standards, and of the assurance and enhancement of the student learning experience, both currently and in the future; and in 2004, the team had ‘broad confidence’ in the soundness of University procedures.

The 2023 QESR Report, and 2019 and 2014 ELIR Reports, are available via the Quality Assurance Agency (Scotland) website.

Additional Information

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