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Academic Standards Committee Remit

The role of the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) is to assist the Education Policy & Strategy Committee (EdPSC) in its implementation of the University’s Learning & Teaching Strategy through assurance and enhancement of the quality of educational provision and through maintenance of standards. ASC reports to EdPSC, and also oversees the approval process for undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree programmes on behalf of EdPSC and Senate.

Specifically ASC will:

  1. Advise EdPSC on matters relating to the University’s academic regulatory processes, including the revision and development of academic regulations in the University, and also the implementation of regulatory policy.
  2. Develop and monitor the University’s process for approval of new programmes and changes to its taught programme provision. In operating this process, where appropriate, approve (on behalf of EdPSC and Senate) College proposals for new undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree programmes and major changes to programmes, including those delivered in collaboration with other institutions.
  3. On behalf of EdPSC and Senate, present for consideration by the University Court and General Council of the University Court, information to contribute to the formulation of Draft Resolutions instituting new awards or revising existing awards.
  4. Receive a summary report on Annual Monitoring (via College Quality & Enhancement Officers) and monitor and disseminate responses to actions identified. Consider and recommend changes to annual monitoring procedures as necessary.
  5. Monitor internal subject reviews (Periodic Subject Review) by receiving review reports, identifying issues or recommendations requiring action in other areas of the University and monitoring responses to actions or recommending further action as necessary. Consider and recommend changes to procedures for internal subject review as necessary.
  6. Monitor external examiners’ reports through receipt of the annual summary report from Academic Policy & Governance identifying issues or recommendations requiring action in other areas of the University and monitoring responses to actions or recommending further action as necessary. Consider and recommend changes to external examining procedures as necessary.
  7. Monitor the University’s taught programme provision from accredited and associated institutions by receiving their validation/revalidation and joint committee reports.
  8. Monitor accreditation reports from Professional and Statutory Bodies (PSBs) identifying issues or recommendations requiring action in other areas of the University and monitoring responses to actions or recommending further action as necessary.


Two members of academic staff from each College with a third member of academic staff from the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
College Quality & Enhancement Officers
Clerk of Senate
Vice Principal (Learning & Teaching)
Director of Academic Policy & Governance (or nominee)
Director of IT Services (or nominee)
Representative from the Students’ Representative Council
Representative from the Academic & Digital Development
Representative from Student Administration & Learning Development

Academic Regulations Sub Committee
Course & Programme Approval Steering Group
ASC Programme Approval Group
Quality Officers’ Forum

*Each of the Conveners of these Sub-committees is an ex-officio member of Academic Standards Committee.

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