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Temporary injuries/conditions

Supporting a student with a temporary injury

Temporary conditions and injuries with an actual or expected duration of less than 12 months, are not regarded as disabilities under the Equality Act (2010).

Examples of temporary conditions and injuries that would not ordinarily constitute disabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • A broken bone or sprain where recovery is expected within weeks or months.
  • Physical injuries not expected to persist or have lasting effects.
  • Short periods of illness not associated with underlying or chronic conditions.
  • Recovery from surgery.

Students should liaise with their Adviser of Studies and/or Course Coordinator to discuss the impact of their injury/temporary condition and the support they require. Considerations can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Taking notes in lectures - If a student’s ability to take notes is impaired, the School should provide lecture notes via Moodle. Where it is not possible to provide printed notes, Schools should explore with the student whether copy notes can be obtained from peers. If it is considered necessary to employ a notetaker, email disability@glasgow.ac.uk to be put in touch with the university’s provider. Please note, the School will be responsible for the cost of this service, and for making arrangements with the provider.
  • Examinations – The Good Cause Procedure provides guidance for dealing with extenuating circumstances in relation to examinations and assessment. If a School wishes to make exam adjustments for an injured student e.g. extra time or a separate room from the main exam venue, permission must be sought from the Clerk of Senate. 
  • Access to Campus – if you anticipate that the student’s injury may impact their access to buildings or their ability to move round campus, it may be necessary to review their timetable to make changes to teaching locations. Colleagues should speak to their local timetabling contact for guidance. For information on campus accessibility and to view building access information, visit the accessability page on the website. Schools may also wish to consider whether online learning can be supported while the student is recovering.
  • Where a student is attending classes in person and their mobility is impaired, it may be necessary to complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). If you have any questions about the PEEP process, contact safety@glasgow.ac.uk
  • For courses which require travel or fieldwork, particular attention should be given to risk assessment while the student is recovering from their injury/temporary condition.
  • Where there are concerns about the student’s ability to engage with study as a consequence of their injury, it may be appropriate to consider the Fitness to Study Process, to allow a leave of absence to be granted to support recovery. 
  • If the limitations due to injury persist beyond the expected recovery time, are especially severe in nature, and/or are likely to have continued lasting effects, you should follow the procedure for requesting study support from the Disability Service.
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