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What are Respect Advisers and how can they help

woodland with bluebells and wild garlic

Respect Advisers are volunteer members of staff who have been trained to offer confidential, impartial, one-to-one advice and support to people having issues with harassment or bullying.  They can help staff and students feel supported, gain a better understanding of their rights and options. 

You may wish to talk to a Respect Adviser before taking any other steps in response to any alleged harassment or bullying. Talking through the events and your feelings with an Adviser will help you decide on the best way for you to deal with the behaviour and will clarify the options available to you.  

The Respect Advisers will:

  • provide a confidential, as appropriate, listening service for staff or students who think they may be being bullied or harassed.
  • provide guidance, assistance and advise on the courses of action available.
  • facilitate informal resolution in cases of harassment in line with the University's Dignity at Work and Study Policy.
  • identify, and refer, serious allegations to the appropriate University authority.

The Respect Advisers role will NOT:

  • undertake any investigations or decide on the validity of a complaint.
  • decide whether the behaviour/conduct of an individual(s) constitutes harassment.
  • take action against an alleged harasser.
  • represent or accompany individuals at the formal stage of the process.
  • provide counselling

Conflict of Interest

There are occasions where the Respect Adviser may refer you to another member of the Network in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest.  These may include;

  • The individual contacting the Respect Adviser studies or works in the same School/Research Institute/Service as the Adviser.
  • The Respect Adviser has a close working relationship with a student or staff member who is accused.
  • If two individuals approach the Respect Adviser about the same case. 

Respect Advisers Network - How to make contact

To ensure we put you in touch with the most suitable Respect Adviser to to guard against any potential conflict of interest please submit a report using the appropriate Bullying, Discrimination & Harassment Reporting Form.  Although you can chose to report anonymously using the form, in order to receive support you will need to provide your name and contact details.   All reports will be sent to the Equality and Diversity Unit who will initially review each report.

Staff can also find information about independent support through the Health and Wellbeing Hub.  You can also informally discuss issues with your local HR team.  

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