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Appendix J - Sexual Orientation

J1           Definition of ‘sexual orientation’

J1.1        The Equality Act defines sexual orientation as meaning a sexual orientation towards:

  • Persons of the same sex
  • Persons of the opposite sex
  • Persons of either sex.

J2           Supporting Infrastructure

J2.1     The Gender and Sexual Diversity Group remit includes supporting and advising the University on its legal obligations, promoting cultural change, considering implications of external good practice and overseeing the implementation and further development, as necessary, of policies and practices relating to the protected characteristics of sexual orientation, gender reassignment and marriage and civil partnership.  The group consults with relevant stakeholders as appropriate.  It reports to The Equality and Diversity Strategy Committee.

J2.2     The University supports an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) staff network, whose purpose is to provide a forum for discussing appropriate issues of mutual interest in a safe environment, networking opportunities, contributions to policy and social events. 

J2.3     The GULGBTQ+ (Glasgow University Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer + Students’ Association) is a students’ society formed to provide an open and welcoming space for people under the LGBTQ+ banner (the banner includes people from outside the acronym; moreover, the society welcomes everyone from every background).  It provides both a welfare and social space so that people can get to know each other.  It is affiliated to the Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council.

J2.4     The University of Glasgow is a member of Stonewall Diversity Champions.

J3        Code of Practice on implementing the Equality and Diversity Policy with respect to Sexual Orientation

J3.1     A supportive environment is provided for staff or students who wish it to be known that they are lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB).  However it is the right of individuals to choose whether they wish to be open about their sexuality in the University.  The University wishes to encourage individuals to be open about their sexuality without fear of exclusion.

J3.2     Assumptions must not be made that partners of staff and students are of the opposite sex.  Whenever possible, workplace benefits will apply equally to same-sex partners.

J3.3     Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.  Threatening to publicise the sexuality of a member of staff or student without their permission will be regarded as a form of harassment and will be subject to appropriate action.

J4           Further information and contacts(37)

J4.1        On Campus

University LGBT+ Equality Champion
Email: sexualorientationchampion@glasgow.ac.uk

University of Glasgow LGBT+ Network
Web:  LGBT+ Network for staff and PG students

GULGBTQ+ students’ association
Email:  president@gulgbt.co.uk
Web:  www.gulgbtqplus.com

J4.2        External

Stonewall Scotland
Web:  www.stonewallscotland.org.uk

Stonewall Diversity Champions
Web: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/diversity-champions-programme

Equality Network
Web: www.equality-network.org/

 Please also see section 10 of the policy.

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