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Equality and Diversity Related E-Learning Courses

The Equality and Diversity Unit has procured and developed a range of e-learning based equality and diversity training courses for our staff and students.

All courses are housed on our Moodle pages and you will require a valid University of Glasgow username and password to access them.

Please note that for users with visual impairments - the courses should be compatible with voice-reader software as they are all based on HTML 5 format and will work with each browser's zoom facility, as well as supporting pinch-to-zoom on tablets/mobile devices. However, if you find any of the courses do not work with your chosen software and you wish to access these courses in an alternative format, please contact EDU for further details.

* If you are accessing the course via VPN or WIFI, in case your connection drops off, once you have worked through ALL sections and successfully completed any Test/Assessment within each courses ensure you print or take a screenshot of your certificate (for your own records) and that your result has saved successfully.

** Ensure you exit the course using the exit button WITHIN the courses themselves.  Do not just close your browser window.

Diversity in the Workplace (MANDATORY for ALL staff)

Mandatory for all staff

This course should be completed by ALL staff.  It outlines the nine protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act 2010. The module outlines definitions such as the different forms of discrimination (direct, indirect etc), what constitutes bullying or harassment, and provides a brief overview on cultural awareness.

To complete the course you must work through all activiites and sections before you can access the 'Assessment' section, where a mark of at least 80% is required.

You can work through the course at your own speed. You can also stop the courses at any point and resume later from that same section.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand what equality and diversity are and why they are important.
  • Review the key legislation and its implications.
  • Examine ways to break down barriers to equality and diversity – prejudice, preconceptions and stereotypes.
  • Explore key tips and guidelines for promoting equality and diversity.

Expected duration 90 mins

How to Access the Courses

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF username & password to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Enrol in the course
3. Read the course overview and click the Diversity in the Workplace activity link
4. Click Enter

*You should receive an email confirming your completion.  You may also wish to screenshot your final assessment section score.  Please keep either of these for your own records.  Staff completions will also be recorded in the 'learning and development' section of your Core/People XD records.

Let's Talk about Race in the Workplace (Mandatory for All staff)

Racism is not just about explicit racist language, abuse or discrimination - it can take the form of inequality and inadvertent bias ingrained in the way organisations and society is run. This race equality training will provide support to staff to consciously and proactively address racial bias within the workplace.

Access the Let's Talk about Race in the Workplace course in Moodle.

Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (MANDATORY for ALL line-managers and supervisors)

This Implementing Reasonable Adjustments training course provides staff with line management responsibilities a practical understanding of what the law means when it talks about “disability” and “reasonable adjustments”.

You will explore the challenges faced by disabled people at work and get practical guidance on identifying and implementing adjustments that make a real difference. By undertaking this course you can help to ensure you meet your legal obligations to treat disabled people fairly.

You must work through the whole course and then gain a mark of at least 80% in the assessment section to 'complete' this course.

The expected completion time is approx. 45mins.  However, you can work through the course at your own speed and can also stop the course at any point and resume later from that same point - please see ** below.

Access the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Click the link for the course Implementing Reasonable Adjustments
3. Click Enter
4. After the opening sequence click Start Course

* Remember to print your certificate or take a screenshot (for your own records)

** Ensure you exit the course using the Exit button within the course. Do not close via the browser window.


Unconscious Bias in HE

This Unconscious Bias in HE course is intended to enable us to improve the quality of our decision-making, ensuring that we eliminate irrelevant factors that may influence our conclusions.  The course assumes little or no knowledge of the subject matter.

The premise of this training is that unless we explore the nature of relationships, perceptions and prejudices we will never make sufficient progress to create truly diverse and inclusive organisations. It is based on the fact that we are all biased. That is everyone, without exception. 

Course Objectives: By the end of the course you will be able to explain:

  • What bias is and where it comes from
  • How it impacts people in the workplace
  • What you can do to minimise the negative consequences

Access the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF username & password to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated..

1. Log into Moodle
2. Enrol and enter the course
3. Read the course overview and click the Unconscious Bias in HE activity link
4. Click Enter

You MUST work through the whole course and pass the assessment section, in order to complete it.

*You should receive an email confirming your completion.  You may also wish to screenshot your final assessment section score.  Please keep either of these for your own records.  Staff completions will also be recorded in the 'learning and development' section of your Core/People XD records.

** Ensure you exit the course using the Exit button within the course. Do not close via the browser window.

ED&I in the Workplace for Managers or Supervisors

For Line Managers and Supervisors

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

Managing Diversity Course

1. Log into Moodle
2. Click the link for the course Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace for Managers
3. Click Enter
4. After the opening sequence click Start Course

To complete the course you must work through all activiites and sections before you can access the 'Assessment' section, where a mark of at least 80% is required.

*You should receive an email confirming your completion.  You may also wish to screenshot your final assessment section score.  Please keep either of these for your own records.  Staff completions will also be recorded in the 'learning and development' section of your Core/People XD records.

Ensure you exit the course using the Exit button within the course. Do not close via the browser window.

Expected duration 30 mins

Implementing Reasonable Adjustments for Students

The Implementing Reasonable Adjustments for Students training course has been specifically designed for staff working in education. 

It provides you with a practical understanding of what the law means when it talks about "disability" and "reasonable adjustments". And it gives everyone clear guidance on how to identify and implement reasonable adjustments effectively. 

You must gain a mark of at least 80% in the assessment section to 'complete' this course.

The expected completion time is approx 50mins.  However, you can work through the course at your own speed and can also stop the course at any point and resume later from that same point - please see ** below.

Access the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Click the link for the course Implementing Reasonable Adjustments for Students
3. Click Enter
4. After the opening sequence click Start Course

* Remember to print your certificate or take a screenshot (for your own records)

** Ensure you exit the course using the Exit button within the course. Do not close via the browser window.


Bystander Intervention

Bystander Intervention

As bystanders in our everyday lives, we all have a responsibility to take action when we witness bullying, harassment and other inappropriate behaviour. Bystander interventions can take a number of different forms that range from directly confronting the perpetrator about their behaviour to using distraction or interruption and offering support to those on the receiving end. 

This course will give a better understanding of:
  • Why it’s important for bystanders to take action when they witness inappropriate behaviour
  • Some common obstacles to effective intervention
  • Key intervention strategies and when to use them.

Access the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Click the link for the course Bystander Intervention
3. Click Enter
4. After the opening sequence click Start Course

* Ensure you exit the course using the Exit button within the course. Do not close via the browser window.

**You should receive an email confirming your completion.  You may also wish to screenshot your final assessment section score.  Please keep either of these for your own records.  Staff completions will also be recorded in the 'learning and development' section of your Core/People XD records.

Menopause at Work

This short course on Menopause at Work, which is for everyone, irrespective of gender. Whether you have or expect to have experience of menopause yourself, whether you are supporting colleagues, or whether you are line managing a team member experiencing menopause, this course will:

  • Increase your awareness and understanding of menopause.
  • Encourage and enable positive conversations about menopause at work.
  • Offer practical solutions to help create a menopause-friendly environment.

 – a 30 minute online training course with downloadable transcripts and captions provided for video content.

Accessing the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle
2. Enrol and enter the course

Estimated completion time: 30mins

Addressing Age Bias

Having an age-diverse workforce enables organisations to draw on a broad mix of ideas, skills and experience while at the same time gaining key insights into the needs of multi-generational customers and service-users. 

Where younger employees might have a strong grasp of new technologies and web-based business media, for example, older staff can bring experience, maturity and vital interpersonal skills – all of which combine to deliver huge benefits. However, bias around age often means that employers are failing to reap these benefits and employees of all ages are falling victim to negative stereotypes, with worrying implications for their careers. 

This course sets out the benefits of an age-diverse workforce and provides guidance on best practice for tackling age bias and supporting staff at every stage of their working lives.

This training will give a better understanding of:

  • the potential impact of age bias on recruitment, development and training, and on interpersonal relationships in the workplace
  • why an age-diverse workforce can give your organisation a healthy combination of fresh thinking, new ideas, stability and experience
  • why it’s important to understand the different generations in the workplace, what shaped them and what motivates them
  • how cross-generational initiatives such as reverse mentoring and multi-generational team-working can help to tackle age bias and support better staff development and employee relations.

Accessing the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF credentials to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Click the link for the course Addressing Age Bias
3. Click Enter
4. After the opening sequence click Start Course

Course – a 20-minute video-based online training course with downloadable learner notes.

Gender Equality at Work

This module is about the unequal workplace that many women experience. It explores the reasons why gender inequality persists, and how sexism can be challenged to benefit both individuals and organisations by creating a more inclusive work culture. 

This course will give a better understanding of:

    • Why it’s important to think about gender equality at work
    • Everyday sexist behaviour and who experiences it
    • How organisational structures, systems and processes can hold women back
    • What sexual harassment looks like and why it’s hard to challenge
    • Techniques to confront sexism when you see or experience it
This micro-learning course provides an overview of gender equality and strategies for preventing sexism, discrimination and harassment in the workplace. 

15 min online training with captions and downloadable transcriptions for video content. 

Acessing the Course

Staff member? Please ensure you use your STAFF  to access the course - otherwise your staff training records will not be updated.

1. Log into Moodle 
2. Click the link for the course Gender Equality at Work
3. Click Enter

*You should receive an email confirming your completion.  You may also wish to screenshot your final assessment section score.  Please keep either of these for your own records.  Staff completions will also be recorded in the 'learning and development' section of your Core/People XD records.

Additional online resources

Mentally Healthy Workplace resources

This course, available in Moodle, is aimed at line managers to help them recognise the signs of workplace stress and to support their colleagues, but it can be a useful resource for all staff to increase awareness of mental health in the workplace.

Line Managers can also view A Practical Guide to Managing & Supporting Mental Health for Line Managers.


The following additional resources can be accessed on the Equality and Diversity Unit's Moodle site

TransEDU - Resources and information for supporting trans, non-binary & gender diverse applicants, students and staff
Every Mind Matters: Neurodiversity and Disability Equality Talks (Nov 2021)


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