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Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students

The University of Glasgow is committed to race equality and ensuring all students, staff and visitors have a positive experience of the learning, teaching, research and work environment.

We recognise British Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students may have different experiences, and therefore needs, from International students and provide the following information and sources of support on this basis. 

Students at the undercroft

Students' Representative Council - Race Equality Officer

The SRC Welfare & Equal Opportunities Officers each look after particular groups within the student body or particular areas of the SRC’s work such as charities or the environment. They are supported by the Vice-President Student Support.

The Race Equality Officer is elected as part of the SRC Council elections and can change on an annual basis. 

Contact the Race Equality Officer at race-officer@src.gla.ac.uk

Contact the Vice-President Student Support at vp-support@src.gla.ac.uk and @GUSRC_VPSS

Student Societies

There are is a vast array of student societies at the University which are affiliated with the Students' Representative Council (SRC).  The following may be of interest to BAME students.

If you think we've missed any relevant societies, please do let us know.

Glasgow University Students of Colour Network
The Network aims to create a safe space for POC students within the University of Glasgow and to embrace and celebrate cultural diversity within the University. 

Dedicated to the inclusion of ethnic minorities and creating a space for BAME students to connect and be open and aware of opportunities available, the Network hopes to construct a platform to educate students on the range of cultures and backgrounds within the University and facilitate conversations centred around race in a constructive environment.

Country/Heritage Based Student Societies
There are many student societies based around countries, heritage and languages such as the Nigerian Students' Society, Pakistan Students Society, Glasgow Chinese Students Community. 

FemEng is a student network which aims to tackle the gender imbalance within engineering and its effect on students, the younger generation and industry professionals.

PhD Society
Being a PhD can be difficult and challenging. UofG PhD Society is for PGRs across the University. The society provides a space to socialise, provide development opportunities, improve overall wellbeing and to give PhDs a voice.

Mature Students Association
With a wide range of facilities to offer: quiet study space, a computer room with PCs on the University network, Wi-Fi throughout the building, cheap printing, a group study room, and lockers, the MSA is a very supportive environment. You will always find other mature students studying similar courses and who probably have similar life circumstances and experiences.

Faith Based Student Societies
You can find information on the faith based student societies which are affiliated with the Students' Representative Council. Find them at SRC's 'Clubs in the Faith category' page.


Race Equality Champion

The University is fully committed to promoting racial equality and providing a work, learning, research and teaching environment free from racism or racial tension. We recognise education plays a vital role in equality and that we can play a pivotal role in ensuring Scotland is free of racial discrimination. 

The Equality Act 2010 defines race as including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins.

To support our work the University has appointed Uzma Khan (Vice Principal for Economic Development and Innovation and Deputy Chief Operating Officer) as the Race Equality Champion.

Uzma co-chairs the Race Equality Group with Professor Satnam Virdee. This group has student and staff representatives and acts as a channel of communication where race equality issues can be raised and addressed or referred to appropriate bodies for action.

Race Equality Group

The Race Equality Group (REG) is co-chaired by the University's Race Equality Champion, and Prof Satnam Virdee, Director of Centre for Research on Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism.  The group brings together representatives from the Equality and Diversity Unit, Students' Representative Council and Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority student and staff representatives.

The group acts as a channel of communication where issues affecting staff and students can be raised and addressed or referred to appropriate bodies for action.  

The Race Equality Champion, is currently Ms Uzma Khan (Director of Strategic Planning and Deputy Chief Operating Officer). As Equality Champion they promote and raises awareness around race equality issues, and feed back to the Equality and Diversity Strategy Commitee, the Principal and other senior managers.

The Equality Act 2010 defines race as including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins.


James McCune Smith Scholarships
The University of Glasgow has 30 undergraduate scholarships available for students of African/African-Caribbean descent. The scholarship supports students who could face financial difficulties taking up their place to study at the University. The value of the scholarship is £2,000, paid in instalments for the first year of undergraduate study only.

Peer Wellbeing Support

Peer Wellbeing Support is a confidential, student-led listening service. It allows students to talk and share their problems, and receive support from trained Peer Wellbeing Supporters.

Dignity at Work and Study Policy

The University of Glasgow’s vision is to be a world-class, world-changing university. Our values represent the shared motivations and beliefs which bring our community together and emphasises that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect within their working and learning environment and that harassment or bullying in any form will not be tolerated by the University.

The University is committed to protecting the dignity of students, staff and visitors in their interactions with others. 

If you feel you have experienced bullying or harassment you'll find support and guidance on our Dignity at Work and Study pages.

External Support and Opportunities

  • The Athena Project - a mentorship program for female Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic scholars in Higher & Further Education in the UK. @AthenaBME
  • CRER (Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights) - works to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and to promote racial justice across Scotland. CRER also coordinates the programme for Black History Month in Scotland.
  • Minorities in STEM - The aim of Minorities in STEM is to create a network that can connect, support and showcase the individuals working and studying within STEM.  Follow them on Twitter at @MinoritySTEM 
  • WCAN (Women in the City Afro-Caribbean Network) - a social enterprise dedicated to the personal and professional development for black women. A platform and network for black women from as young as school age to those weill into their corporate careers. 
  • Cardboard Citizens has a Black Lives Matter support page with mental health and wellbeing resources.
  • Young Minds has information on how racism affects mental health.
  • Advocacy Matters provides independent mental health advocacy for anyone with mental health problems aged 16 and over, who live in the Hospital, or full time education, areas of Greater Glasgow. The association provides services to people from Minority Ethnic communities and to refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Black Minds Matter UK aims to help black people and families across the nation to find professional mental health services, in addition to raising money to help cover the cost of such services.
  • Mind: Young Black Men is a programme which works specifically with young black men aged between 11 and 30 years old.
  • Andalus is a grassroots, community based initiative, conducting a variety of activities to meet the needs and aspirations of Scottish Muslims, mainly comprised of people from the Pakistani ethnic group, but also includes participants from other minority ethnic groups, as well as people from the wider Scottish community.
  • Amina promotes the welfare of Muslim women by providing faith and culturally sensitive services and help with accessing services and participating in society by working with mainstream agencies and policy makers.
  • The Race Equality Foundation provides support resources and information.
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