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Parking Scheme Principles

1.   Introduction

This document outlines the process for the managing vehicles on University sites and outlines the process for the allocation of car parking permits. The scheme came into effect in January 2019.

The information outlines the basis of the approved Vehicle Management and Enforcement Scheme following a full parking review and consultation with staff during 2017 and 2018.

 2.   Aims

The general aims of the Vehicle Management and Enforcement scheme are as follows:

  • Ensure parking permits are allocated to those with the greatest need by assessing applications against agreed criteria;
  • Manage vehicles and parking to create a safe environment for pedestrians and cyclists;
  • Ensure the effective management of the parking supply to meet the changing business needs of the University;
  • Actively manage vehicles through enforcement during a period of major construction works;
  • Change the parking permit scheme to reflect 2018 changes to the Salary Sacrifice
3.   Principles of the Vehicle Management and Enforcement Scheme

The University established eight guiding principles to inform the formation of the new scheme:

Principle 1 – Fairness & introduction of permit scheme criteria

Principle 2 – Annual renewal of parking permits

Principle 3 – Realistic parking charges (including cost of permits)

Principle 4 – Eligibility of students

Principle 5 – Facilitating irregular car usage

Principle 6 – Encouraging alternative means of transport

Principle 7 – Enforcement for vehicles parking

Principle 8 – Courtesy & ease of use

The principles were established to ensure that the new scheme was prepared in a structured manner and to ensure that there was visibility for staff and students during the consultation process for the proposed changes. Feedback from Stage 1 and Stage 2 consultations received during July/August 2017 and November/December 2017 informed the final policy.

4.   Parking Permit Scheme
Entitlement to Apply for a Permit

Staff who hold a contract of employment with the University and staff members working in named affiliate organisations, as noted below, will be eligible to make an application:

  • Queen Margaret Union
  • Glasgow University Union
  • Student Representative Council
  • Beatson Institute (Garscube)
  • Glasgow University Heritage Retail Limited
  • University of Glasgow Nursery

Persons that have a valid blue badge must register for a permit and they will automatically be provided with a permit for the relevant campus location.

Students who are not blue badge holders will only be eligible to apply for a permit for Garscube Campus.

Permit Scheme Operating Principles

The scheme’s full terms of conditions can be found at www.gla.ac.uk/parking

As part of the application process, all applicants applying for a permit will be required to electronically confirm a declaration confirming they have read and understood the terms and conditions, the scheme privacy notice and that the details provided in their application are an accurate reflection of their personal circumstances. Applicants agree to be bound by the terms of the scheme and to adhere to the parking regulations on campus. Misrepresentation on any application will be considered a disciplinary matter for staff and students.

The operating hours for the permit scheme will be 0830 – 1700 Monday to Friday. Out with these times, parking will be free on Gilmorehill and Garscube.

Permits will be allocated on a needs basis which will be based on equity and fairness. Permits will be issued for a specific campus/location and will not be transferable.

The number of permits allocated is likely to vary year-on-year and will be subject to the supply of parking spaces that are available. Building works, for example, could affect the available supply.

Possession of a valid permit does not guarantee a parking space but rather the right to look for a parking space within the permitted campus.

5.   Permit Types & Charges

The University will operate different permit types for vehicle users across Gilmorehill, Garscube and Tay House. Restrictions apply to certain locations and reference should be made to the terms & conditions.

The permit types are:

  • Standard Annual Permit
  • Occasional Permit
  • Blue Badge Permit
  • Visitor Permit
  • Motorcycle Permit

A standard permit is an annual permit for Gilmorehill, Garscube or Tay House which allows unrestricted parking. These permits are subject to applicants meeting the scheme eligibility criteria.

An annual permit will be most suited to those who are required to travel to the university by private car the majority of the time. Applications will be reviewed against the scheme criteria, points will be allocated and a point’s threshold will be set each year according to the available parking supply.

Blue badge holders would automatically be issued with a standard permit where they can demonstrate that they hold a valid disabled persons blue badge.

Different charge rates may be applicable at each campus/location to reflect site conditions and location. The charges will be informed by level of parking supply, value of land or proximity and frequency of alternative forms of travel. Charge rates will be reconsidered by the Car Parking Working Group annually.

Occasional Permit

Occasional permits are available for Gilmorehill and Garscube campuses and will be subject to meeting the scheme eligibility criteria.

This type of permit will operate on a pay-as-you-go arrangement and applicants will be able to purchase a maximum of 150 days parking per annum. This permit is most suited for those who travel by other means the majority of the time but on occasion they need to travel by private car.

Occasional permits will be available to purchase in blocks of 10 days and a maximum of 150 days parking can be used during the permit year of purchase. Unused days cannot be carried forward into new permit years.

Visitor Permit

Visitor Permits are available for pre-booking (subject to the relevant fee and availability) by the following categories of visitors:

Staff visiting another campus on business;

Conference organisers and delegates;

Visitors attending meetings with University staff or students;

Consultants retained by the University (while working on University premises);

Invited guests of The University at departmental discretion;

Members of Court

A flat rate charge of £8 per day or £4 per half day will be applicable and permits can be issued in increments of 0.5 days. These charges will be subject to annual review.

Gilmorehill and Garscube campuses will provide designated visitor parking spaces and a valid visitor permit and parking day voucher will be required.

No visitor permits will be issued for Tay House due to restrictions in building access.

Visitors will be directed to designated visitor parking areas when their permit is issued. For special events, specific arrangements will be made.

6.    Criteria for Application Assessment

The table below sets out the proposed eligibility criteria for assessing applications for permits. An application portal will be available with guidance notes for applicants applying for permits.



Evidence Required by Applicant

Blue Badge holders

Specific permit type

Official Blue Badge.


Temporary Mobility Impairment

Refer to the Policy for Temporary

Parking     Permits     for     Mobility Impairment Issues

Occupational           Health assessment.

Business Use

Frequency    of   use    of   personal vehicle to fulfil work duties

Personal     statement     of circumstances

Early Starts (contract hours)


Contractually required to start the working day before public transport is available

Statement of applicant’s contract of employment responsibilities stating working hours. Line Manger Contact.

Late Starts (contract hours)


Contractually required to finish the working day after public transport is available

Statement of applicant’s contract of employment responsibilities stating working hours. Line Manager Contact.






Caring Responsibilities for Dependants

Do you have care responsibilities for dependant(s) which require travel by private car?


Explanation of caring responsibilities for dependants;

  • Child or children under 12
  • Disabled dependants
  • Elderly dependants

Personal statement of circumstances

Please describe in more detail why you would need your private car to travel to and from University to fulfil your care responsibilities.

Personal statement of circumstances


Realistic Alternative for Travel

 Provision of your origin full postcode (e.g. home postcode)

 Home full postcode.

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