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Additional Pay Increase FAQs (Nov 2022)

How will the exceptional increment be applied?

We are awarding an exceptional incremental uplift (or equivalent) to colleagues across the University in addition to the average 3.18% uplift awarded nationally on 1 August.

Each colleague will move up our substantive pay scales by one additional point including those within contribution points and those at the top of their scale. This is equivalent to a 3% pay rise for colleagues. An additional percentage uplift to the next increment will be applied to those up to and including scale point 20 where the difference between each scale point is currently less than 3%.

Where an additional increment is not possible i.e., for Professorial and Senior Professional grades then a 3% increase will be applied.

Further information can be found in the Additional Pay Increase Mapping Summary (Nov 2022).

Is this a permanent increase?

Yes, this is a permanent (‘consolidated’) increase.

Will the exceptional increment be pro-rated?

Yes. Colleagues new salaries will be pro-rated in their new scale points in the normal way (e.g. for part-time colleagues).

Will I still increment as normal in addition to this exceptional incremental uplift?

Yes - Those who continue to qualify for incremental progression in academic year 2022-23 will remain eligible for future increases on their relevant anniversary date as normal.

For example, if you are due to progress to the next increment on 1 December 2022, you will still do so over and above the increase that is implemented on 1 November 2022.

The exceptional incremental increase will place me at the top of my scale – will I still receive a further increment as I would have expected?

Yes, if you had expected an increment during AY 22/23, you will receive a further incremental uplift at the point of your anniversary date, which will move you to the first contribution point for your grade.

I am already at the top of my scale – will I receive an additional increment?

Yes, all colleagues on Grades 1-9 will receive an uplift. If you are currently paid at the scale point maximum, your salary will be uplifted to the first contribution point. No further incremental progression will apply beyond this point.

I am on the top contribution point of my Grade – will I receive an increment?

Yes, all colleagues on Grades 1-9 will receive an uplift. If you are currently paid either within the contribution range or at the contribution maximum, your salary will be uplifted by one point equivalent to 3%. No further incremental progression will apply beyond this point.

I am/was on spine point 52, the top contribution point of Grade 9 – will I receive an increment?

Yes, all colleagues on Grades 1-9 will receive an increase equivalent to 3%.

I have continuous service with UofG and was appointed to a new post between 1 August and 30 October 2022, will I receive the increment on my old and new posts?

Yes, you will receive an additional increment on top of the salary detailed in your previous and new contract of employment effective between 1 August 2022 And 30 October 2022.

I have continuous service with the University and was appointed to a new post in November, will I receive the increment?

Yes, you will receive an additional increment on top of the salary detailed in your new contract of employment.

I am due to leave the University prior to the award, will I still be eligible?

Uplifts will be applied to all colleagues who were active employees at 31st October.

Will my maternity/adoption/paternity pay be recalculated on the uplifted amount?

Yes, any enhanced maternity/adoption/paternity pay for the period from 1 August 2022 will be recalculated taking your higher salary into account. Please note this does not affect statutory pay.

I am paid via timesheets, will I need to resubmit these to claim the higher amount?

No, our Payroll system will automatically recalculate your pay based on the hours worked between 1 August and 31 October.

What is the effective date of the increase?

The increase will be applied in your November salary and will be back dated to 1 August 2022.

I didn’t receive an increase in my November salary, who should I contact?

Please contact your local P&OD team through our HR Helpdesk.

How do I find out my current spinal point?

You can find the details of your current spinal point in the left-hand column under the “Details” section of your payslip.

Will I still qualify for a rewarding contribution award this year?

In light of the exceptional nature of this increase, there will be no Rewarding Contribution round for AY 2021-22.

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