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Grant Reilly, Marketing & Business Development Manager, Sports & Recreation Service visited National Collegiate Athletic Association, Universities of Indianapolis, Notre Dame, Suffolk, Tufts, Boston & Bentley and Dartmouth College in the USA

To improve the SRS provision available to students through the establishment of strategic partnerships and sponsorship agreements.

“I would like to thank the Staff Mobility Programme for helping to fund my sponsorship research trip to the US.

It has been a hugely beneficial experience for myself and has allowed me to identify a range of opportunities that can be implemented at the University of Glasgow to help enhance and develop our sports programme.

It has also hopefully opened the doors to improved connections with these schools that may provide future opportunities for our athletes and teams to go on tour or have quality opposition come to Glasgow to compete, train and stay at our facilities.

The staff mobility programme is an excellent scheme that allows staff to create their own opportunities to benefit themselves and the University of Glasgow”.

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Susan Ashworth, Deputy Director and William Nixon, Digital Library Team Manager, University Library visited Universities of Toronto, Montreal, Ryerson, McGill, Concordia & Prince Edward Island in Canada

To promote knowledge exchange with International renowned Open Access advocates relative to supporting researchers and their engagement in the area.

“ We would like to thank the Staff Mobility Programme for the opportunities it gave us to visit a range of Canadian academic libraries in advance of our attendance at an international Open Repositories conference in Prince Edward Island. These visits, to major research universities like McGill and the University of Toronto helped us to more fully appreciate the broader context of the Canadian repository landscape. We were able to share the innovative work being done at the University of Glasgow. The university will benefit from this visit through a range of outcomes exploring open access funding options and repository developments. We will also continue to share our experience of the Staff Mobility Programme with other university colleagues, demonstrating how valuable it has been”.

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Gavin Lee, Senior Academic Policy Manager, Senate Office visited University of Western Sydney, University of Melbourne, National Union of Students Australia, Australian Council for Educational Research in Australia

Gain Knowledge on the qualitative data in relation to policies and practices of student’s engagement at local institutions and national level.

“The International Staff Mobility Fund allowed me to learn from sector experts around the world: getting in a room with people and really talking through issues brought much greater benefits than reading their website, discussing by email or even talking on the phone.

The trip to Australia has set me up with contacts that I not only learned from at the time, but have kept in touch with and have continued to learn from their experiences.

My Staff Mobility trip was intense: two universities, two sector bodies, five long days, ten thousand miles from home. However, being able to share experiences and learn from sector leaders and ultimately bring back a load of great practice to the University of Glasgow made it all worth it."

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Margaret Tejerizo, Senior Lecturer, College of Arts visited the University of Lisbon

Knowledge and idea exchange of good practice and the opportunity to study the teaching of the Slavic Languages within the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

"It was a challenging and at the same time a most insightful experience to “change Universities” and to be part of the “inner workings” of a Slavic Department at one of Europe’s very prestigious universities. It was also most rewarding to share the good practice and experience of Glasgow University with my Portuguese colleagues and from this encounter we hope that many fruits will come! Thank you.

Staff Mobility - pictureBo Wang, International Market Intelligent Researcher, Recruitment and International Office, Visited University of Connecticut, USA

To research on PGT portfolio review practise, PG Admissions and Scholarship offering and international student services in US HEIs.

"The staff mobility programme is a great initiative to support staffs developing international engagement. My visit to UConn was a great learning experience, and it extended my professional network and knowledge. The visit added in pro-active research and experiential learning to my research work, in addition to the desk based research, often reactive, in the office.

The case study at UConn covered different academic and service departments to allow me to build a systematic overview of the essential business operation at a different institution in depth with multiple dimensions. The project provided a unique opportunity to understand the US HE system at a US university. The study trip allows me to further develop our market research services with a global context.

Through the Staff Mobility programme funded projects, valuable innovative ideas will be generated and successful collaborations established, which will benefit both the staffs and the University."

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