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Follett Report

A Review of Appraisal, Disciplinary and Reporting Arrangements for Senior NHS and University Staff with Academic and Clinical Duties:

  • Follett Review
    A report to the Secretary of State for Education and Skills, by Professor Sir Brian Follett and Michael Paulson-Ellis.
    September 2001

Corporate Framework for Joint Working

A corporate framework for joint working on employment issues between The University of Glasgow and NHS Greater Glasgow:

Joint NHS/GU Recruitment Policy

For advice on the Joint NHS University Recruitment Procedures please see the following document:

Joint HR Sub-Group Remit

Joint HR Sub Group - Remit and Membership:

Summary of process for application for NHS honorary contract (for GU clinical staff)

At the recruitment stage the Recruitment Assistant will write to the local NHS recruitment team requesting an honorary contract at the appropriate level e.g. Consultant, Specialty Doctor/Dentist, Specialty Registrar or Clinical Psychologist, Principal Clinical Psychologist or Consultant Clinical Psychologist. In the case of Specialty Registrar applications confirmation is received firstly of your training place (NTN) from the postgraduate deanery at NHS Education for Scotland. (NES)

You will be asked to undergo an Occupational Health Assessment by the NHS as part of the application process which will also involve a check of your GMC/GDC registration, without which an honorary contract will not be issued. If your clinical status changes during the course of your employment your Head of Division will discuss this with University and/or NHS HR Departments, but normally the status changes only when you are either promoted or appointed to a new higher post. Normally the NHS status follows the University status e.g. lecturer /honorary StR or senior lecturer /honorary consultant. The salary level follows the clinical not the academic status and clinical salaries will not be paid to staff with no clinical work.

Summary of the Process for application for University honorary status (NHS Staff)

Employees of other organisations seeking a link with the School of Medicine and the University can apply for honorary status with the University through the School of Medicine web-pages.

It is also possible in some cases to make cases for either Honorary or Visiting Status or Associate Status.

For professors retiring from the University and wishing to retain a research link Emeritus status can be awarded at the time of retirement.

Research Passport Application Process

The Research Passport  is a system which has been put in place by the NHS for non-clinical researchers. This new initiative simplifies administrative procedures when issuing honorary research contracts to researchers with no contractual arrangements with the NHS, and who carry out research in the NHS that affects patient care. This system does not apply to clinical staff holding honorary contracts with the NHS, as detailed above.

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