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Meaningful Case Study

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Portfolio Assessment for a Professional Programme

College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

Students: Year 1 - 4

Class Size: Large (101-300)

Suitable for online learning

Technology Competence: Moderate (requires some specialised knowledge, but otherwise accessible)


Portfolio assessment was included as an integral part of the assessment strategy for the BVMS Programme since its inception in 2013. It was developed as a way to embed reflective practice and lifelong learning skills within the course assessment at every level of the Programme. The portfolio represents a substantial project of personal and professional development which enables students, staff and stakeholders to review evidence of achievement of Programme outcomes and, by extension, Professional competencies. At level 5, the Portfolio is the primary assessment for Professional competency and is equivalent to the dissertation for this SCQF Level 11 Programme.


We used a staff student partnership approach to test different electornic portfolio software and create portfolio templates for use by students in each year of the programme. We use Mahara for creation of portfolios and a moodle interface for assessment. The process of implementation has included designing formative and summative asssessment opportunities in to each phase of the Programme, training portfolio advisers and assessors and developing support resources and training for students and staff.


Effective and authentic assessment of professional competency. Development of skills in reflective practice and lifelong learning. Very positive feedback from external examiners and portfolio assessors who feel that the portfolio is an excellent way to 'get to know' the student and is closely aligned with the competencies and attributes needed in the Professional role.


Anyone looking for a practice-based approach to a dissertation, developing reflective practice skills and/or evidencing professional skills or competencies

Student Benefits & Challenges

Development of skills in reflective practice, lifelong learning and academic skills (e.g. referencing, critical thinking). Showcasing learning and achievement. Recognising strengths and weaknesses. Preparation for VetGDP (early career reflective learning) and job interviews.  Learning to use Mahara (e-portfolio tool), tension between learning and assessment purposes of the portfolio, developing skills in reflective writing, organisation needed to collect and collate evidence.

Staff Benefits & Challenges

Insight into student development and ability to suport that development. Authentic assessment approach. Window onto the Programme and student experiences of their learning. Clear evidence base for making high stakes decisions on progression etc.

Not all staff as familiar with the portfolio, can seem like a mystery for those less involved. Consistency in assessment. Providing meaningful feedback to students. Managing student support (e.g. capacity for adviser meetings) etc.

The biggest challenge for us has been getting the assessment process right - managing consistent assessment across a panel of assessors without creating a box-ticking/overly structured set of criteria.



Jan Van Tartwijk & Erik W. Driessen (2009) Portfolios for assessment and learning: AMEE Guide no. 45, Medical Teacher, 31:9, 790-801, DOI: 10.1080/01421590903139201

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