0;*/ $_t4StyleInternal = $internal; if($_t4StyleInPreview){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://t4.gla.ac.uk'; echo ''; } else { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'udcf.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://udcf.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www2.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www2.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif(($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www.gla.ac.uk')&&($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'https')) { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost'){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'http://localhost'; } ?> edit in t4', $internal); ?>

Lecture recording

The lecture recording system we use at the University of Glasgow is called Echo360. It can be used to record lectures in learning spaces on campus or for personal recording on your PC or device.

Book a live stream

Request a live stream

  • Live streaming can be requested for any Echo360 location
  • Raise an UofG Helpdesk support call requesting a livestream
    • It cannot be requested on the room timetabling system
  • You have an option for this to be viewable through your Moodle course or via a web URL: this web link can be authenticated or publicly viewable. 

Note: by default this will be recorded, it is not possible to have a webcast without recording.

About live streaming

Live streaming or webcasting is in addition to your lecture recording and allows a broadcast of your lecture in real-time or near real-time. In addition to the sources you are recording sound, presentation and video. There is a Q&A feature to allow students to ask questions of the presenter and receive answers. Students can ask questions anonymously or allow themselves to be identified 

lecture theatre in adam smith building
array("location" => "/3t4/css/dev.css?_=", "timestamp" => $isportal ? "" : filemtime('/info/www/3t4/css/dev.css')), "livecss"=>array("location" => "/3t4/css/main.css?_=", "timestamp" => $isportal ? "" : filemtime('/info/www/3t4/css/main.css')), "devjs"=>array("location" => "/3t4/js/main.js?_=", "timestamp" => $isportal ? "" : filemtime('/info/www/3t4/js/main.js')), "livejs"=>array("location" => "/3t4/js/main.min.js?_=", "timestamp" => $isportal ? "" : filemtime('/info/www/3t4/js/main.min.js')), ); switch(isset($_COOKIE['gu-testing']) && $_COOKIE['gu-testing'] == "true"){ case true: ?>