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Permission to reproduce University of Glasgow Library information

The University of Glasgow Library is required to comply with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. This regulates how information it holds or creates is made available for re-use.

Statement of Public Task

This statement sets out the functions carried out by the University of Glasgow Library that are within the Library’s public task under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. This statement is reviewed annually and due to be considered again in June 2020.

The University of Glasgow Library is a research library of international renown and importance, founded in the late fifteenth century as an information and knowledge repository for the University. It has been actively collecting monographs, journals, manuscripts and archives throughout its history and from 1710 to 1836 had legal deposit status.  It has always developed its collections in line with the university’s teaching and research interests.  

The core role and function of the Library is to:

  • to satisfy from its own resources or elsewhere legitimate information needs of the University in furtherance of teaching and research programmes and its administration.
  • to preserve, promote and develop for the benefit of research and scholarship those parts of the national documentation heritage that are within its care
  • to extend access to information throughout the academic community by collaborating with other information suppliers within the University
  • to optimise the use of resources by collaborating with other institutions at local, regional, national and international levels
  • to offer services, based on those provided for its prime users, to assist business, industry and the professions

The Library operates within the context of its Mission Statement and the University Strategy 2015-2020.

The public task of the Library encompasses the functions, duties, and responsibilities set out in the Library Strategy. Material held in the Library and covered by the Collection Development and Management Policy falls within the public task and is available to re-use, provided no copyright or other third party rights apply.

The Library undertakes digitisation and does so to facilitate re-use wherever copyright law, data protection and the availability of funding will permit this. The Library has a limited budget for digitisation, so is reliant on charging fees for the digitisation, supply and licensing of content in order to meet digitisation costs.

Requests for re-use of information

If you wish to apply to reuse our information under the PSI Regulations please complete this form.

The PSI Regulations only govern the re-use of information held by the Library where no copyright or third party restrictions apply. To obtain copies of personal data, or information held by other areas of the University of Glasgow please refer to the University’s Data Protection and Freedom of Information pages.

Pricing structure for re-use of information

Refer to the fee schedule for details of charges.

Right to refuse

The University of Glasgow reserves the right to refuse requests for re-use of information under the Regulations where valid exceptions apply. The reason for refusal will be explained, along with details of how to appeal the decision.

If you have any queries on this public task statement or a complaint about the PSI Regulations, you can submit them to library@glasgow.ac.uk

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