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Activity outside of normal building opening hours

You should also consult the Procedure for Lone Activities (May 2022) for additional information on safe management of lone work or study.

What do I need to do?
If working or studying alone in a non-residential University building during a period when the building is normally closed, you should notify Security of your presence and when you are leaving.  This is so that the University can ensure your safety and provide suitable support in the event of an emergency.

This procedure applies during periods when buildings are closed. Facilities Services provide details of building normal opening hours on their website. For many buildings, this is typically periods outside core working hours of 0800hrs to 1800hrs but this can vary depending on the individual building and its use.

The procedure does not apply where staff are contracted to work during the out of hours period and appropriate building access and emergency support arrangements are in place to support them. (e.g. cleaning staff)

How do I notify Security?
You can tell Security that you are working or studying within a building by either:

  • Logging your presence and departure using the SafeZone app downloaded to a mobile device and registered with the University. (Preferred option)
  • Notifying your presence and departure by phoning security on extension 4282. (0141 330 4282 from a mobile). (Secondary option, if unable to use SafeZone)

When you leave the building, you should notify Security that you are leaving by logging out of the SafeZone app or by a phone call. If they do not receive a notification, they will attempt to check that you are safe, by text message or phone call in the first instance.

Use of the SafeZone mobile app is the preferred notification method because this allows information about who is on campus to be automatically recorded and viewed, with clearer user location information available if help is required. Although telephone reporting is possible, this may not be as readily available at busy times as Security staff deal with other matters.

SafeZone for mobile devices can be downloaded from the link on the following Security webpage. https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/securityandoperationalsupport/

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