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‌Q - How do I report an accident, incident, dangerous occurrence or near miss?

A - You can report any of the above by filling in an Incident Report Form

Q - How can I access SEPS training such as first-aid or manual handling training?

A -  For members of staff, places on most SEPS courses can be self-booked via the PeopleXD system (the system where staff leave is booked). Line manager authorisation may be needed and budget authoriation will be required where courses are provided on a cost-recovery basis.  (This applies to first aid and manual handling courses which are delivered by external trainers.)  Students who want to attend any SEPS training course should contact us via safety@glasgow.ac.uk to register an interest in a course.  Note that we are not able to provide training to those outwith the University of Glasgow.

Q - How many first-aiders do we need?

A - It is not possible to indicate precise ratios of first-aiders to employees that can be applied in all cases. Heads of unit should therefore decide numbers required and their most appropriate location based on the activities normally carried out. As a first step they should consider the hazards that are associated with activities undertaken in their units. Following this an assessment of the risk that relates to each hazard should allow decisions to be taken as to the nature and extent of first-aid provision that is necessary. A unit undertaking high risk activities (such as diving, fieldwork, workshop activities etc.) will require a higher level of first-aid provision than one in which there are very few hazards (e.g. where the work is largely office based). In some units it may be appropriate to have some first-aiders trained in additional techniques and responses that are appropriate to specific hazards that may be present in the area or associated with the work. (e.g. fieldwork)  Small units that are geographically close and where the work is comparatively non-hazardous may choose to share a first-aider.

As a minimum each unit must nominate a person who will be responsible for the checking and replenishing of first-aid boxes on a regular basis and maintaining and updating first-aid signs and notices.

Note than on campus, first aid support can be obtained 24/7 via Security who can be contacted either by phone or by using the SafeZone app.  Further information regarding the provision of first-aid and other emergency help can be found on the University Emergency and Crisis Support webpage.

Q - I need a computer workstation assessment, will someone come and do it for me?

A - SEPS provide an online Moodle training course covering working safely with computers which includes guidance on workstation set up and incorporates a workstation self-assessment. The unit should ensure that computer users undertake this course to ensure that they have sufficient knowledge to set up and adjust their workstation correctly and that they have assessed it's suitability.  More than oen assessment may be needed if multiple workstations are used. This course should provide adequate information for most users. However, in some cases, indivduals will want to discuss their computer set up with their line manager, particularly if they need specific additional features or adjustments. SEPS can also be consulted for additional advice if issues cannot be resolved locally by training and workstation assessment and adjustment.

Q - I work with computers. Am I entitled to an eyesight test and to glasses bought by my School?

A - Although using computers does not cause damage to the eyes, existing defects in eyesight can lead to other symptoms such as stress, headache and musculoskeletal problems. For this reason, all new and existing computer users should seek an eyesight test at regular intervals. Eyesight tests can be obtained free of charge from your optician.  If an eyesight test reveals that a member of staff needs spectacles specifically for computer work the cost of the lenses (excluding any tinting/coating) and basic frames has to be met by the unit in which the member of staff is employed.  (This applies only where the staff member uses a computer as a significant element of their job AND the glasses are needed specifically and only because of this computer use.)

Q - I have a young person coming to work with me, what should I do?

A - If the person is under 18 years of age you must take account of any special risks that arise from the employment of a young person. This should be done by means of a risk assessment that is carried out PRIOR TO THE YOUNG PERSON BEGINNING WORK (including work experience and training schemes).

You must consider the activities that the young person may be involved in, to identify and control any unacceptable risks to their health and safety. You should pay particular attention to those risks that may arise because of their age, inexperience or other causes. Guidance on the risks that particularly affect young persons and on how to record such an assessment is available from the Health and Safety Executive webpage on risks to young workers, and from SEPS .

If the young person is under minimum school leaving age (i.e. 16 years) the conclusions from the risk assessment must be brought to the attention of the child's parent or guardian. In this situation HR must be notified that the young person will be working in the University.  This will typically arise where Work Experience pupils are accepted.

Q – The toilets in my working area are out of commission. Can I go home?

A – The University has a responsibility to provide you with toilet facilities that are within a reasonable distance of your working area. This does not necessarily mean that these must be within your own work area or in the building within which you work, although this would normally be the case. From time to time, for example, for reasons of essential maintenance, it may be necessary to close your local toilet. On these occasions the unit (usually in conjunction with Estates) should arrange for you to have access to toilets in an adjacent work area or building. Working practices within your unit should be modified, if necessary, to take account of these altered arrangements, including, for example, reasonable time to use more distant facilities.

Q – Is there a minimum/maximum working temperature?

A–The law does not state a minimum temperature. Official HSE guidance indicates that the temperature in workrooms should normally be at least 16oC or 13oC if much of the work is physical. If it does not reach that then local agreements should be made about the most appropriate action. That may include providing additional heating, longer work breaks or in extreme situations an alternative working area.

Q – I have discovered a fire extinguisher that is damaged/has been used what should I do?

A - You should bring it to the attention of your local Fire Safety Coordinator or Facilties Duty Manager, in the first instance or submit a Helpdesk request.  If urgent replacement is needed you can contact SEPS via our general email which is monitored.

Q – Where can I find a copy of the Fire Risk Assessment?

A - A copy of the fire risk assessment should be held within the premises fire log along with the fire action plan. Speak to your local Fire Safety Coordinator in the first instance, or alternatively ask SEPS. safety@glasgow.ac.uk.

Q – What should I do if I smell burning?

A – If you smell burning you should immediately raise the alarm by activating the nearest break glass point. Evacuate, and onc eoutside the building you should advise those managng the evacuation, or Security, why you activated the alarm so that the relevant information can be passed to the Fire and Rescue Service. You can contact Security by phone (0141 330 4444) or, if you are a registered user, by using the Emergency button on the SafeZone app.

If there is no alarm system, call Security on 0141-330-4444 or use SafeZone.  They will arrange the appropriate response.

Q – I have found a needle/syringe/body fluid spillage, what should I do?

A – If you work in an area that works with biological materials you should contact the staff within your unit who should be able to deal with such incidents.

If your unit does not have suitably trained individuals or equipment, or if the needle/syringe or spillage is in a common area, no attempt should be made to clean the contamination or remove items. The immediate location should be closed off (as far as is practicable) to prevent contact. You should then contact Facilities Services. An appropriately trained member of cleaning staff will attend as soon as possible and will deal with the incident. Outwith normal working hours you should contact Security and they will arrange clean up through a ‘call-out’ procedure, if necessary. Units within hospitals or those outwith the Gilmorehill and Garscube Campuses should follow arrangements that are in place locally.

Q – I have waste that I need to dispose of. Who should I contact?

A – General, non-hazardous and recyclable waste is managed by Estates. You can call Estates on 0141-330-6000 to get guidance on this.

Disposal of specialist wastes should be through the appropriate University appointed supplier for that service. Information on disposal for a range of waste types is available on our waste management webpages or email: safety@glasgow.ac.uk


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