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Guidance on receiving a report of sexual violence or harassment from a student

Step 1: Listen and be supportive

  • Listen with empathy and compassion. Reassure the student that there is support available and that you can help them access it.
  • Students do not have to report the incident to the police or make an official report to the University via the Code of Student Conduct. It is their choice - they can access support from the University without making a formal report.

Step 2: Complete the University reporting form

  • Advise the student that you will use the reporting form to report the incident. 
  • Reporting the incident means the student will get access to support from the University and can speak to someone who can advise them on their options for what to do next.


Advice for completing the form

  • If the student has given permission for their name to be shared, enter their details on the reporting form. Proactive contact will then be made by a member of staff from Student Services to ensure that the student receives appropriate support and understands their reporting options. As above, there is no obligation to make a further report to Police Scotland/Student Code of Conduct if the student does not wish to do so.
  • If the student does not give permission for their name to be shared, the form must still be submitted, and the report anonymised. Please note that no action can be taken by Student Services when an anonymous report is submitted. However, it is important that incidents are recorded to gain an accurate picture around the numbers of incidents and to inform ongoing work. (See Step 3 for support information which should be provided to the student as they will not receive contact from Student Services). 
  • If you are a member of staff, make this clear on the form and include that you have met with the reporting person and have heard their initial report.
  • Ensure you note only what the reporting person tells you. Do not change or edit their words
  • Submissions made using the reporting tool are treated confidentially and will not be shared without consent. 


Step 3: Provide details of additional support

If the student chooses to report an incident via the reporting form, they will receive support from the University. 

There are also other options available for support:

Further information


Useful contacts

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