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What is T2G?

T2G: Transition to Glasgow is a unique course offered by the University of Glasgow to all incoming undergraduate students. The course will be offered to every undergraduate starting each year in September. 

T2G is a transitions course designed, built and taught by staff at the University. The course aims to provide students with an introduction to studying and assessment at UofG; through a core module that all students take and two electives courses that students pick, incoming undergraduates are offered the ability to learn and apply new knowledge at University level.  

T2G electives don't count towards your degree result, but your completion of the Academic Writing Skills Programme (AWSP) during T2G will be recorded on your transcript. 

I have a conditional offer but haven’t yet made up my mind – can I still register interest in T2G?

Absolutely, yes. T2G will be offered to all students once they’ve confirmed their place with us at Glasgow, but you’re very welcome to register your interest in the course while you have a conditional offer.  

Is T2G compulsory?

No. T2G is optional, but is highly encouraged for all new undergraduates. If you’re joining us as a new undergraduate student this academic year, then the course is for you!  

If I’ve already completed a Summer School at the University should I also complete T2G?

The choice is entirely yours and you are welcome to complete T2G after having completed a Summer School. You may find that some of the content is similar, but T2G will still provide you with an excellent start to your studies and can be used as a place to explore the subjects offered on the electives and engage with your fellow students.  

Does T2G cost anything?

No. T2G is freely available to all incoming undergraduate students and you don’t need to pay anything. 

Do I need to be in Glasgow?

No. T2G runs sessions online as well as face-to-face, so if you can't be with us in Glasgow yet, then as long as you have access to the internet you’ll be able to take part in T2G.

What will I need to do if I take part in T2G?

T2G is a full-time course that runs over two weeks (from 19 August to 30 August). To complete the course, you’ll need to attend your lectures, seminars/tutorials, and submit an assessment. This would involve roughly 3-4 hours of classes/work/study per day, but you’ll be given lots of information and direction on what’s expected and what to do.

How much time will T2G take up?

T2G runs for two weeks from 19 August. You can expect to be in classes (either online or face-to-face on campus) for a few hours per day, each day of the course (Monday-Friday each week). You'll also have some work to do for your classes, but this shouldn't take up too much of your time outside of class.

At the end of the teaching, you'll have a week submission window in which to submit your final T2G assignment. You can work on this through any part of T2G and can submit it at any point during the submission window.

What do I get for completing T2G?

In addition to getting to learn fascinating new topics and engaging with fellow students before you start your studies, you’ll also get credit for one of your core, compulsory modules: the Academic Writing Skills Programme (AWSP).

AWSP is compulsory for all students at Glasgow and is usually completed within the first few weeks of semester. Students who complete T2G (that is, attend their classes and submit their written assessment) will be graded as having completed AWSP and will therefore be exempt from the course in their first semester.

In other words: think of it as getting one of your core courses out of the way before you’ve even started Freshers’ Week!

I’m a postgraduate student - can I join T2G?

Unfortunately, no. T2G is exclusively for incoming undergraduate students.

What if I have to miss some of the T2G classes?

We take attendance at the T2G classes, but it's fine to miss one or two. If you are going to miss some of your classes, you'll just need to let your tutors know so that they know not to expect you.

I can’t attend T2G but I don’t want to miss out on all the content!

Don’t worry: we’ll make all the core module content freely available once you’re a registered student. You’ll be able to access everything that Student Learning Development (SLD) offers to all students, so you won’t miss anything. We’ll also look to run some of the electives through semester, so you’ll be able to complete these during your studies.

Who runs T2G?

T2G is designed and taught by Student Learning Development (SLD), who run year-round provision for all students to help them improve their academic work. For more information, see www.gla.ac.uk/SLD.

I have more questions – who do I contact?

What if I'm unsure if I'll be able to take part in T2G?

Don't worry! We know plans change over the summer. Register your interest in T2G; you'll be invited to enrol in August and can make the final decision then. It's no problem to register your interest and then not, actually, take part in T2G in August.

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