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T2G: Postgrad FAQs

What is T2G: Postgrad?

Transition to Glasgow: Postgraduate Edition (T2G: Postgrad) is a unique, pre-sessional course offered by the University of Glasgow and run by Student Learning Development (SLD) for all new postgraduate taught students joining the University.

It aims to provide students with an introduction to studying and assessment at postgraduate taught level at UofG alongside opportunities to meet fellow postgraduate taught students and members of UofG staff before beginning their courses.

How do I know if I’m a postgraduate taught student?

If your course appears in the list of Postgraduate Study Taught Degree Programmes, then you’re a postgraduate taught student! If your course doesn’t appear in the list, unfortunately you’re not eligible for T2G: Postgrad.

I’m a postgraduate research student - can I join T2G: Postgrad?

No. Unfortunately, T2G: Postgrad is currently only for postgraduate taught students.

However, Research and Innovation Services run a range of courses and events for new postgraduate research students via their Researcher Development programme, which is worth checking out if you’re a postgraduate research student.

I have a conditional offer but haven’t yet made up my mind – can I still register interest in T2G: Postgrad?

Yes! T2G: Postgrad will be offered to all postgraduate taught students once they’ve confirmed their place at UofG, but you can register your interest in the course once you have a conditional offer so we can get in touch with you with more details nearer the start of the T2G: Postgrad.

Is T2G: Postgrad assessed?

No. There may be activities for you to complete during the course to help you prepare for your upcoming studies, but none of these will be assessed.

Is T2G: Postgrad compulsory?

No. T2G: Postgrad is optional, but it is highly recommended for all new postgraduate taught students!

Does T2G: Postgrad cost anything?

No. T2G: Postgrad is free to attend for all new postgraduate taught students. 

I’m already signed up to a pre-Master’s course with Glasgow International College (GIC) – should I also sign up for T2G: Postgrad?

Yes! If your GIC course timetable allows you to attend T2G: Postgrad, you should feel very welcome and encouraged to do so. If you’re not sure about your GIC course timetable yet, you can still register your interest in T2G: Postgrad now and confirm your place nearer the start of the course.

Do I need to be in Glasgow?

No! T2G: Postgrad runs entirely online so you can join the course from anywhere in the world (as long as you have access to the internet)!

What will I need to do if I take part in T2G: Postgrad?

If you attend T2G: Postgrad, you’ll participate in a range of online sessions designed to help you successfully transition to postgraduate-level study at UofG.

Some sessions will be delivered as lectures while some will be more interactive; some sessions will offer key information about the services and support available to you at the University while others will provide opportunities to meet and engage with fellow postgraduate taught students.

There will also be plenty of time throughout the course for you to ask questions and plan for your upcoming studies.

How much time will T2G: Postgrad take up?

T2G: Postgrad runs for four days between 12 and 15 August 2024. You can expect to be in core sessions for most of the first two days of the course. The last two days of the course will be a bit more flexible, as you’ll be able to choose the sessions that are most useful for you to attend. We’ll publish a more detailed timetable of the sessions nearer the start of the course.

There may also be useful activities to complete as part of some of the T2G: Postgrad sessions, but these won’t take up too much time outside of sessions.

What do I get for completing T2G: Postgrad?

T2G: Postgrad is designed to help you successfully transition to postgraduate-level study at UofG, so the course will provide you with valuable information, lessons, and resources that will benefit you in your upcoming studies. You’ll also get the chance to meet other students beginning postgraduate study at UofG before you arrive.

Simply put, what you’ll get for completing T2G: Postgrad is the chance to feel as prepared as you possibly can for successful postgraduate-level study at UofG!

What if I have to miss some of the T2G: Postgrad classes?

While it’s recommended that you attend as much of the course as you can, we’re aware you may be balancing a range of responsibilities alongside your studies. As such, you’re welcome to sign up to T2G: Postgrad even if you’re unsure how many sessions or days you can attend.

Where possible, we’ll also make session recordings available so you can catch up asynchronously on any that you’ve missed. So, even if you think you may miss some sessions, it’s still worth signing up to T2G: Postgrad!

Who runs T2G: Postgrad?

T2G: Postgrad is designed, taught, and run by Student Learning Development (SLD) who also run year-round provision for postgraduate taught students to help you improve your academic work. You can find out more at www.gla.ac.uk/SLD.

I have more questions – who do I contact?

Any questions not answered above can be directed to T2Gpostgrad@glasgow.ac.uk


What if I'm unsure if I'll be able to take part in T2G: Postgrad?

Don’t worry! We’re aware that students’ plans can change over the summer, so go ahead and register your interest in T2G: Postgrad even if you’re not 100% sure you’ll be able to attend. That way, we can get in touch with you nearer the start of the course and you can make a final decision then – it’s not a problem to register your interest now but then not take part in T2G: Postgrad if your plans change.

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