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As a student at the University of Glasgow, you are automatically a member of its Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The activity of the SRC is organised around three main areas: Representation; Support & Wellbeing, and Volunteering & Community. You'll find the SRC in the McIntyre Building on University Avenue, just outside of the Gilbert Scott Building.

Students' Representative Council


The SRC’s main responsibility is to represent the students of the University, and this means all students. Whether you are a mature student, an international student, part-time, doing a post-graduate qualification or straight from school, the SRC works for your interests.


The SRC is a student-led organisation, run by a council which includes up to 49 student members and an executive formed by sabbatical and non-sabbatical officers. All registered students of the University have the right to vote and can stand for elections, which usually take place in October and March every year. The Council is comprised of 4 executive officers, academic representatives for every school and college, welfare and equal opportunities reps, and general reps, so there are opportunities for all students to get involved.

Class Reps

Every class will elect at least one class representative to provide feedback on their course and learning experience to the University. With over 1,200 SRC-trained class reps at the University, the system is a great opportunity to influence how courses are shaped and how the University operates. If you’re looking to contact your Class Rep, please visit ‘MyClassReps’ on MyGlasgow where the Class Reps for your classes are listed.


The SRC campaigns, challenges and lobbies on behalf of our students within the University and at national level. On a huge range of issues, the SRC works to ensure that student interests are at the forefront of decisions made by legislators and policy makers.


Support & Wellbeing 

The Advice Centre

The SRC Advice Centre is run by a team of professional advice workers who provide free, confidential advice, information and advocacy on a vast range of subjects including accommodation, academic, well-being employment and financial issues. The Advice Centre is independent from the University and totally confidential.


The SRC runs a number of support and welfare events throughout the year including Black and LGBTQ+ History months, De-stress activities, a RAG week and many more. You can find out what's on through their website.

Welcome Point

GUSRC run The Welcome Point where you can go with any general questions on a range of subjects. This is also where you’ll find Print & Binding services as well as other services.

Secondhand Bookshop

The secondhand book shop stocks a variety of up-to-date materials at low prices. It can be found on the 1st floor of the McIntyre Building on University Avenue. Check the online stock database to see what’s available.

Student Job Hub

The SRC also work with the University Careers Service to provide the Student Job Hub: your one-stop shop for finding part-time work.


The SRC run a service where you can list flats, find flats and accommodation during your studies. They also have a feature where you can create a listing for yourself as a potential flatmate. Check out the SRC Advice Centre's Accomodation Advice and Fearless Flathunting pages if you have any queries or issues when looking for a place to live or with your current residence.


Nightline is a confidential telephone, text, and online listening and information service run by trained students for the students of Glasgow University, Glasgow Caledonian and Strathclyde University. They offer both information and support throughout the night from 7pm to 12am midnight on their online chat, and 7pm to 7am on their phonelines. They aim to be open Monday to Friday during term-time. 

Postgraduate Club

For any Postgraduate students, you need to check out The Gilchrist Postgrad Club: a social space run exclusively for PG students by the SRC & UofG Food: featuring a café, regular events and a great bookable space.


Volunteering & Community

SRC Volunteering provides students with volunteering opportunities both on and off campus and provides a valuable link with, and input into, the local community. Student volunteering covers a large range of activities and projects including charities, social enterprises, community projects, and public bodies across the city, giving preference to those who don’t have the profile of more established outfits and who really need some additional support. From community gardening and paired reading, to supporting refugees and the homeless, and mentoring vulnerable people, there is a diverse and broad range of options available, each certified and reviewed regularly by SRC staff.  

Clubs and societies

There are over 300 clubs and societies at Glasgow and most of them enjoy affiliation and support from the SRC. You'll be spoilt for choice - Clubs and Societies provide an excellent way to meet new people and try new things, look great on your CV and are also lots of fun. Every year hundreds of students join a club or society for the first time, so you will not be alone. And if nothing takes your fancy, then it’s really easy to set up your own.

Student Media

The SRC is home to four award winning student media groups – they provide a great way to pick up a whole host of new skills and experience, and of course enjoy a truly original experience. New contributors are always welcome throughout the year, and no experience is required – just contact the media heads to join in!

  • Glasgow University Guardian: the country's leading student newspaper, with a long history of independent thought and investigative journalism. It was founded in 1932 as The Gilmorehill Globe and then renamed to the Glasgow University Guardian in 1959. www.glasgowguardian.co.uk 
  • Glasgow University Student Television (GUST): the oldest student run TV station in the world, founded in 1964. Each week they produce a wide variety of programmes, including News, Film and Music available online. www.gust.tv
  • Glasgow University Magazine (GUM): the oldest student publication in Scotland, first published in 1889. A stylish and cutting edge, culturally aware magazine that covers a wide range topics from fashion to art to politics and beyond: www.glasgowuniversitymagazine.co.uk
  • Subcity Radio: the student radio station based at the University of Glasgow, founded in 1995, following an American freeform college radio format. Unlike most other student stations, Subcity has always been aimed squarely at music lovers. With no set playlist and 90% specialist programming, it has consistently provided a service unavailable anywhere else in Glasgow. They broadcast online, including a listen again service, at www.subcity.org



students protesting


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