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Active Travel

Establish an Active Travel Working Group by December 2021 with key representation from across the University.  Working Group will provide strategic direction and technical input to deliver Active Travel Actions.  Set up quarterly working group meetings. 
Re-work the 2018 Cycling Strategy to create a focused Active Travel Strategy by end April 22.  The revised Active Travel Strategy will establish detailed work plans to deliver the identified interventions / actions and provide a strategic overview of support provided to staff and students travelling by active means. 
Scope, design and deliver a new on campus prioritised Active Travel route to complete the missing link between Kelvinway/Pearce Lodge to Kelvin Hall and Byres Road via the South Front by end 2023 (investigate Sustrans funding) 
Work with local authorities and other partners (living streets, sustrans etc) to audit/assess and develop an improvement plan for key Active Travel routes to and from each campus (including ambitious projects which may need external funding, see UoS example).  UoG priority travel corridors are Partick Interchange Station to Gilmorehill Campus; Anniesland to Garscube Campus; Kelvin Walkway – linkage between Garscube and Gilmorehill; Gilmorehill to QEUH; Gilmorehill to City Centre by end of 2022 
Scope, design and deliver a campus 'Active Travel Hub' to provide a large capacity, high quality, dedicated facility to support people arriving by active means at Gilmorehill.  Work will consider location options, specification of facilities including integration of SMART technologies, potential for integration of a Bicycle maintenance hub, capacity of facilities to support modal shift targets and resource implications. Investigate external funding sources and apply for external funding for Active Travel Hub 
Work with the City and Nextbike to deliver new Nextbike stations at two Garscube (at least one at end of 2022), two at Gilmorehill (end of 2022) and near student residences at Murano St (including e-bike option) 
Install secure e-bike battery/bike charging facilities for up to 10 e-bikes at Gilmorehill and 20 e-bikes at Garscube by end of 2022 
Installation of secure bicycle parking in accordance with Active Travel Strategy.  Deliver 20 secure bike lockers delivered on Gilmorehill by end of 2022, 10 secure bike lockers on Garscube by end of 2022.  Develop management protocols and trial rentable/booking option. 
Prepare a prioritised shower upgrade project plan, based on GUEST audit July 2021 by end of May 2022 
Maintain existing bicycle repair stands to keep then operable and in good working order. (6 monthly check with replacement of tools) 
Deliver regular annual engagement initiatives to promote sustainable travel: 
Training / Trials / Engagement Events / Safety Campaign / Equipment / Give-aways / Roadshows / Competitions / Launch of new initiatives / Dr Bike Sessions 
Continue to promote and manage CyclePlus as a salary sacrifice scheme. 
Develop proposal to tackle the issue around ineligibility due to low income for Cycle Plus.   Develop an alternative support mechanism such as a loan or other way to support low income staff not eligible for CyclePlus to access a bicycle and bicycle equipment. 
Continue to offer free/discounted membership to the Nextbike cycle hire scheme. Negotiate new agreement with Nextbike by end 2021.  Promote Nextbike memberships to staff and students with support from Nextbike to increase usage. 
Prepare and apply for Cycling Scotland’s ‘Cycle Friendly Campus Award’ for Gilmorehill and Garscube campuses by end of 2021 
Business and Intercampus Travel 

Expand and further develop the Guidance for Sustainable Business Travel for Staff to  

  • include inter-campus/local business travel;  
  • ban First Class flights on all occasions;  
  • give policy guidance on when business class air travel is acceptable;  
  • clearly communicate a mode hierarchy and expectations for carrying out local business travel (to discourage 'grey fleet' and taxi use);  
  • through policy and purchasing controls ensure business travel bookings are made through the Travel Agent portal, and adapt expenses procedures accordingly (to allow non-local travel claims only in exceptional, agreed or justified circumstances);  
  • make the guidance mandatory;  

Review/update to Business Travel Policy

Update University expenses procedures to 
  • decrease the rate of re-imbursement for ‘grey fleet’  
  • introduce control on data quality of 'grey fleet' claims
  • adapt to allow non-local travel claims only in exceptional, agreed or justified circumstances
Adapt University travel agent booking portal to make travel by rail the default for domestic travel (with the exception of connecting international flights) 
Run a 6 monthly publicity run with trial sessions to encourage greater use of e-bike fleet use for local business travel.  Scope the requirement to integrate booking of e-bikes on UofG App  
Deliver access to the city's Car Club cars on campuses for business / inter campus travel. This will consider the corporate membership for Car Club, hosting/siting EV's on campus and usage by staff through policy. 
Car Parking Develop plan for number and location of available EV charging points on-campus and management procedure for use and access of charging points  
Ongoing monitoring of impact of parking management arrangements including parking surveys, data analysis etc with view to tightening up/improving the vehicle management and enforcement scheme and identification of underutilised parking which can be readily converted to alternative use 
Undertake a full review and revise the Vehicle Management and Enforcement Scheme, covering 
  • review of all criteria 
  • review weighting of 'business use' criteria in view of available alternatives 
  • suitability of permit types 
  • potential to increase cost for permits and link cost to salary band of applicants 
  • potential of introducing car sharing permits
Continue to offer and promote the University’s JourneyShare system to increase car sharing to reduce number of cars arriving on campus + complex vehicle management/permit  

Servicing and Deliveries 

Prepare a Delivery and Servicing Plan (DSP) which will include a thorough understanding of the requirements and issues associated with deliveries and servicing, including 
  • information on how specialist and confidential waste disposal is organised;
  • covering issues around online orders and deliveries;
  • engagement with drivers to communicate on-campus rules on road and Fleet & Service parking space use;
  • strategy for individual project related construction parking management  
  • Reducing numbers of trips required to service the campus/ coordination of servicing requirements
  • Introduction of service access protocols including day/time for servicing to reduce vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at busy times /Remove unnecessary servicing and investigate central delivery hub with 'Hub and Spoke' model of servicing with use of EV/ Last Mile Delivery solutions / increase use of EV for servicing including support infrastructure
Introduce and enforce a University’s Contractor vehicle access and logistics policy.  Review extent, provision of and location of Fleet/Service facilities (parking bays/EV Charging/Loading Bays/Drop-off points etc)  
Directional Signage Strategy  Work to develop and delivery consistent Way Finding signage incorporating Active Travel and Public Transport information within each campus.  Based upon the Signage Policy and Protocols developed as part of western campus project.  Project 1 = western campus external signage by summer 2022 
Work with local authorities/SPT to identify where signage off campus could be provided to improve directional way finding for walking/cycling/public transport links related to the university.  Seek to influence local authorities to implement.   
Fleet Vehicles In order to further meet our carbon reduction targets on fleet fuel efficiencies and carbon emissions develop a strategic plan to phase out and replace all diesel and petrol vehicles with more fuel efficient modes (such as EVs or cargo bikes), consideration of required charging infrastructure. Implement with internal and external funding. 
Develop and introduce an app or web-based centralised registration, booking management,  approved driving list for vehicle use,  determining most efficient vehicle for purpose and use recording system, applicable for fleet cars, vans and e-bikes. App use and Ctrack will supply data which enables to identify efficiencies and potential savings.  Include Training module and recording of training. Potential to include carbon calculator.
Provide maintenance and servicing for University e-bike fleet 
Purchase and launch an additional cargo e-bike at Garscube and review usage/demand for additional cargo e-bikes at Gilmorehill.  Promote cargo e-bike for small delivery/pick up/transporting goods on campus to remove unnecessary van/car trips. 
Develop a 'safe and responsible driver' training module by end Aug 2022 (on moodle?) including eco-driving training to approved drivers of Fleet Vehicles in co-operation with Energy Savings Trust.  This module will help to inform approved drivers of fleet how to drive safely, responsibly and give specific campus information.  Module to be available for mandatory training for all drivers from Sept 2022. 
Multi-themed  Conduct a review of the Access and Egress strategy (multi-modal & mobility levels) for Gilmorehill which seeks a permanent closure of the Main Gate to vehicular traffic and which prioritises sustainable travel. The Access strategy should align with the approved access arrangements for the western campus and seek to promote active travel as top priority, manage/control servicing requirements and allow for a phased reduction in car parking facilities to deliver various public realm improvements.   
Improve and further develop sustainable travel information on the University webpage, with focus on new staff, students and visitors. Investigate how to include travel information into the UofG Life App. Active Travel Guidance and Input for new major buildings to influence sustainable travel to new facilities – JMS, Research Hub, Clarice Pears, ASBS, infrastructure etc  Develop online resource with key building information. 
Establish a Sustainable Transport Fund - Ringfence any profit (parking charge income) to support delivery and implementation of sustainable travel and transport initiatives.  Part of this fund would be used on initiatives which help to bridge inequality gap for those on low income  
Public Realm, Accessibility and Mobility  Identify priority areas for ambitious public realm improvements (Gilmorehill Infrastructure Improvement Project?) where parking will be removed to deliver better, safer and more attractive infrastructure for pedestrian / cyclist. Secure funding (potentially externally) and deliver these schemes.  
Public Transport  Using the data and analysis of the Accessibility Audit seek to influence and engagement with Public Transport operators on key issues associated with travel corridors to campuses. Seek to highlight the needs of staff and students (routes, frequency, reliability, infrastructure) and identify if any improvements in services could be made. Particular focus on ticketing and value for money.  
Explore the potential and develop a plan to display real time information on digital screens around the campuses and develop the case for investment.  High footfall buildings to display real time information will be JMS, McIntyre, Library, Clarice Pears, Research Hub, ASBS and Gilbert Scott. Engagement with SPT on opportunities. 
Interest-free loans for season tickets. Explore scope what key providers offer on annual/flexible tickets to identify if Interest-Free loan can be expanded.  Use data of students travel behaviour and requirements to promote improvements in ticket options. 
Travel Planning Process Conduct bi-annual Travel Survey - next survey concluded by end June 2022 
Participate in Cycling Scotland's Monitoring Programme through data capture on campus.  Use data to inform on-going campus improvements and support  
STTP Monitoring Report with focus on carbon reduction progress, progress to achieve targets and completion of targets. To be undertaken by end of Jan annually
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