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Advice in the Event of a Breakdown/Recovery

Vehicle Breakdown

If your vehicle breaks down:

  • Think of all other road users and get your vehicle off the road if possible.
  • Warn other traffic by using your hazard warning lights if your vehicle is causing an obstruction.
  • Help other road users see you by wearing light-coloured or fluorescent clothing in daylight and reflective clothing at night or in poor visibility.
  • Put a warning triangle on the road at least 45 metres (147 feet) behind your broken-down vehicle on the same side of the road or use other permitted warning devices if you have them.  Always take great care when placing or retrieving them, never use them on the motorway.  This can be found within all fleet vehicles.
  • If possible, keep your sidelights on if it is dark or visibility is poor.
  • Do not stand (or let anybody else stand) between your vehicle and oncoming traffic.
  • At night or in poor visibility do not stand where you will prevent other road users seeing your lights.

If vehicle breakdown occurs on a motorway:

  • Pull on to the hard shoulder and stop as far to the left as possible, with your wheels turned to the left.
  • Try to stop near an emergency telephone (situated at approximately one-mile intervals along the hard shoulder).
  • Leave the vehicle by the left-hand door and ensure your passengers do the same.  Never attempt to place a warning triangle on a motorway.
  • Do not put yourself in danger by attempting even simple repairs.
  • Ensure that passengers keep away from the carriageway and hard shoulder, and that children are kept under control.
  • Walk to an emergency telephone on your side of the carriageway (follow the arrows on the posts at the back of the hard shoulder) - the telephone is free of charge and connects directly to an operator.  Use these in preference to a mobile phone as help will arrive quicker.  Always face the traffic when you speak on the phone.
  • Give full details to the operator, also inform them if you are a vulnerable motorist such as disabled, older, or travelling alone.
  • Return and wait near your vehicle (well away from the carriageway and hard shoulder).
  • If you feel at risk from another person, return to your vehicle by a left-hand door and lock all doors.  Leave your vehicle again as soon as you feel this danger has passed.

Vehicle Recovery

  • Within the local Glasgow area during normal working hours (Mon-Fri 08:30-16:15) contact Transport Services for advice or assistance on 0141 330 5330 or ecs-business-hub@glasgow.ac.uk
  • Outwith the local Glasgow area or outside normal working hours contact the breakdown recovery service for your vehicle.  Details are on each vehicle windscreen and with your department administrator.

Repairs by local garages are not permitted without the express consent of Transport Services.

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