0;*/ $_t4StyleInternal = $internal; if($_t4StyleInPreview){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://t4.gla.ac.uk'; echo ''; } else { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'udcf.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://udcf.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www2.gla.ac.uk') { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www2.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif(($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'www.gla.ac.uk')&&($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'https')) { $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'https://www.gla.ac.uk'; } elseif($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost'){ $_t4StyleBaseServer = 'http://localhost'; } ?> edit in t4', $internal); ?>
new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader($includesBaseDir.'services/webteam/Views/') )); $db = new DataSources\StafflistDatabase(); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $pgrDisplay = new \PgrStudents\PgrsDisplay($mustache, ''); $pgrMapper = new \Mappers\PGRSMapper($conn); $guid = '2810959A'; if(!$guid){ trigger_error('pgr profilem with no guid: file'.__FILE__, E_USER_WARNING); exit(); } $student = $pgrMapper->getPGRStudent($guid); if($student){ $gdprOverride = ''; $t4ContentMain['content_id'] = <<Research interests

My research focuses on the intricate connections between dietary patterns, their environmental impacts, and the resulting health outcomes, with a special emphasis on Latin American countries.


EOT; $supervisors = $student->getSupervisorsAssoc(); if(!empty($supervisors)){ $t4ContentMain['supervisors']['content'] = $supervisors; } $exSupervisors = <<October 2019
Healthy dietary promotion. Conference offered in Transdisciplinary Workshop on Health Promotion, Universidad Santo Tomás (Santiago de Chile)

December 2018

Contribution of processed foods and ultra-processed foods to the intake of energy and critical nutrients in a group of Chilean preschoolers. Poster exposed in V Chilean Congress of Public Health and VII Chilean Congress in Epidemiology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Summary available in:https://www.medwave.cl/link.cgi/Medwave/ResumenesCongreso/sp2018/AlimNutricSal/SP05.act

November 2018

Contribution of processed foods and ultra-processed foods to the intake of energy and critical nutrients in a group of Chilean preschoolers. Conference offered in LVI Latin American Society Meeting on Paediatric Research 2018, Atton Hotel, Concepción, Chile.
EOT; $teaching = <<I have worked in teaching before starting my PhD in Chile between 2015 and 2021. I have been in charge of courses related to public health such as Primary Health Assistance and Public Health; Public health and epidemiology; Social determinants of health; Health promotion; Nutritional and alimentary education; and Alimentary behaviour’s factors.  EOT; $addInfo = <<Background

My BSc is in Nutrition and Dietetics and I have an MSc in Nutrition and Food, focusing on Health Promotion and Prevention of Nutrition-Related Chronic Diseases from Universidad de Chile, my academic foundation is deeply rooted in nutrition science.

EOT; $t4ContentMain['contactInfo'] = <<c.araya-bastias.1@research.gla.ac.uk

EOT; $t4ContentMain['orcid'] = <<render('Profiles/staffProfilePublications', $ePublications); } $t4ContentMain['show_impact'] = << $impactEntry['activity'], 'list' => array() ); } $dateSplit = explode('-', $impactEntry['date']); $impactDisplay[$impactEntry['activity']]['list'][] = array( 'record' => $impactEntry['record'], 'short_description' => $impactEntry['short_description'], 'date' => $impactEntry['date'], 'start_date' => $dateSplit[0], 'nature' => $impactEntry['nature'] ); } $impactDisplay = array_values($impactDisplay); $impact = $mustache->render('staffProfileImpact', $impactDisplay); } $researchData = ''; $researchData = \Mappers\EnlightenMapper::loadResearch($ePrintId); if(!isset($publications)){ $publications = <<Solange Parra-Soto, Carolina Araya, Katrina Knight, Katherine M Livingstone, Fiona C Malcomson, Linda Sharp, John C Mathers, Frederick K Ho, Carlos Celis-Morales, Jill P Pell. Different Sources of Fiber Intake and Risk of 17 Specific Cancers and All Cancers Combined: Prospective Study of 364,856 Participants in UK Biobank. Am J Epidemiol 2023 Oct 18:kwad202. doi:10.1093/aje/kwad202. Online ahead of print.

Solange Parra-Soto, Craig Tumblety, Carolina Araya, Leandro F.M. Rezende, Frederick K Ho, Jill P Pell, Carlos Celis-Morales. Associations of Physical Activity With Breast Cancer Risk: Findings From the UK Biobank Prospective Cohort Study. J Phys Act Health 2023; 20: 272-278. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0437. Print 2023 Apr 1.

Carolina Araya, Camila Corvalán, Gustavo Cediel, Lindsey Taillie and Marcela Reyes. Ultra-processed food consumption among Chilean preschoolers is associated with diets promoting non-communicable. Front Nutr 2021; 26; 8: 601526. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.601526

Carolina Araya, Marcela Reyes, Camila Corvalán. Contribution of processed foods and ultra-processed foods to the intake of energy and critical nutrients in a group of Chilean preschoolers. Medwave 2019; 19(s1):SP03 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2019.S1.

Vilma Quitral, Juanita Valdés, Valeska Umaña, Nicol Gallardo, María José Alcaino, Carolina Araya, Marcos Flores. The Role of Non-Caloric Sweeteners in Sensory Characteristics of Pastry Products. Foods 2019; 8: 329. doi: 10.3390/foods8080329.

EOT; } if($researchSum){ $t4ContentMain['researchSum']['title'] = 'Research Summary'; $t4ContentMain['researchSum']['content'] = $researchSum; $t4ContentMain['researchSum']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($publications){ $t4ContentMain['publications']['title'] = 'Publications'; $t4ContentMain['publications']['content'] = $publications; $t4ContentMain['publications']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($exSupervisors || $t4ContentMain['supervisors']['content']){ $t4ContentMain['supervisors']['title'] = 'Supervisors'; $t4ContentMain['exSupervisors']['content'] = $exSupervisors; $t4ContentMain['supervisors']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($grants){ $t4ContentMain['grants']['title'] = 'Grants'; $t4ContentMain['grants']['content'] = $grants; $t4ContentMain['grants']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($conf){ $t4ContentMain['conf']['title'] = 'Conference'; $t4ContentMain['conf']['content'] = $conf; $t4ContentMain['conf']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($teaching){ $t4ContentMain['teaching']['title'] = 'Teaching'; $t4ContentMain['teaching']['content'] = $teaching; $t4ContentMain['teaching']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($impact){ $t4ContentMain['impact']['title'] = 'External engagement'; $t4ContentMain['impact']['content'] = $impact; $t4ContentMain['impact']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($researchData){ $t4ContentMain['research_data']['title'] = 'Research datasets'; $t4ContentMain['research_data']['content'] = $researchData; $t4ContentMain['research_data']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } if($addInfo){ $t4ContentMain['addInfo']['title'] = 'Additional Information'; $t4ContentMain['addInfo']['content'] = $addInfo; $t4ContentMain['addInfo']['backGroundColor'] = 'TileBackgroundAlt1'; } $t4ContentMain['photo'] = << EOT; $t4ContentMain['twitter'] = ''; if($t4ContentMain['photo'] || $t4ContentMain['twitter']){ $t4ContentMain['related_content_column'] = 1; } $t4ContentMain['name'] = $student->getPgrFullName(); $t4ContentMain['researchTitle'] = $student->getPlanTitle(); echo $pgrDisplay->displayPGRProfile($t4ContentMain); }else{ header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo $mustache->render('404'); } ?>
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