About us

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE) is a partnership between the Centre for Medical and Industrial Ultrasonics, University of Glasgow (MIU, UoG) and the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering, University of Strathclyde (CUE, UoS).

Ultrasonics is essential in a wide-range of sectors, including medical diagnosis, mobile communications, non-destructive evaluation, and underwater sensing, and is ubiquitous in electronics manufacturing. Companies worldwide rely on ambitious, innovative engineers to provide their unique knowledge of ultrasonics and give them a competitive advantage.

A diagram showing all the places ultrasonics is used

FUSE is the largest academic ultrasonic engineering unit in the world. Working with more than 30 external organisations enables us to train a new generation of leaders in ultrasonics research, engineering, and product development. We do this in a world-class research environment provided by two of the UK's pre-eminent universities and our partners, creating a training and research powerhouse in ultrasonics attracting the best students and putting the UK at the global forefront of the field.

FUSE takes the lead in training doctoral students in future ultrasonic engineering. These researchers form a cadre of technical and managerial leaders to drive forward innovation in a sector vital for UK prosperity. Operating in an environment strongly affected by such contemporary developments as electronics, medical technology, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), FUSE students are trained to be confident their technical credentials and to face the challenges they will meet in their future roles.

A diagram showing all the various disciplines that contribute to ultrasonics

The students will benefit from a programme of taught classes of direct relevance to their research degrees, along with relevant team projects and professional skills development. They will gain understanding from the wide range of external partners through seminars, site visits, and many different types of placements. They will build confidence by solving true-life problems defined by the need for partners always to push beyond the state of the art. This will position them perfectly for future roles as technical, management, and commercial business leaders in industry.