Summer Internships 2021

Two FUSE PhD students work on an experiment together in a research laboratory.

The Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde are pleased to offer paid summer internships for undergraduate students to experience working in a research environment and contribute to novel research in the field of ultrasonics.

Based in the Centre for Medical and Industrial Ultrasonics (Glasgow) and the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering (Strathclyde), we are looking for 4 motivated students to undertake an eight-week internship, during the summer before the final year of their degree (i.e. end of year 3 for a 4-year Bachelors degree, or end of year 4 for a 5-year MEng/MSci). However, University of Glasgow engineering students in an MEng programme are only eligible to apply in Year 3.

The internships are offered as part of our joint Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE CDT) and aim to give students who are approaching the last year of their undergraduate degree an experience of working in a research environment alongside academics, PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers.

The two universities are at the forefront of ultrasonics research and the programme will place each intern within a working research team, experiencing and contributing to the latest global developments in the field of ultrasonics. It is a unique opportunity to gain insight into postgraduate research studies while learning and practising new sets of skills that are readily transferable to future careers. Equally important, the intern will have the chance to contribute, through their work, to a project selectable from a wide range of areas in ultrasonics, across medical and industrial applications, benefiting society as a whole.

Four internships are available for the summer of 2021, between the months of June and September (inclusive) and must commence before 5th July. It is a paid internship for eight weeks and every effort will be made to tailor the duration of the programme to the requirements of the intern and their research team.

Closing date for applications is 14th May 2021.

Please read the descriptions below of the four projects on offer, and then apply via link to the Careers Hub at your home institution (either the University of Glasgow or the University of Strathclyde).

Please contact for further information on the programme.

Download the full internship skills description now.