Staff & student profiles

Staff and student profiles

All research and teaching staff (postdocs and PIs) have an official staff profile that is automatically created for them when they join the School. Other staff members (technical, honorary etc) can have profiles made by request. We encourage all postgraduate students to establish and maintain research profiles, which can be excellent promotional tools to present your research activities.

The following information should get you access to your profiles with some guidance on what to include. If you have any further questions or feedback, please email Siobhan Petrie or Claire Malcolm.

How do I update my PGR student profile?

Register to edit your PGR profile

Once you are fully registered as a Post Graduate Researcher at the Institute, you can apply for a Research profile page. Browse over to the PGR Research Profile Online Registration page, fill in the form and the main WebTeam will create your template page.

You will then receive your login details and password for accessing the University's content management system: Terminal 4 - SiteManager (t4). Your web profile URL will be Type your name into the main search bar on any University web page. Your new profile page will be listed coming from the root /pgrs/YOUR_NAME.

The easiest way to get to your profile edit page is to go to your new default profile page, scroll to the bottom of the page (where the University links are) and select 'Edit in t4'. This link will only be available when you are on campus, or if you are running VPN elsewhere.

The University provide a wealth of advice and information on editing web-pages using T4 at their Guide to Web Publishing page.

The golden rule about editing in T4 is:

Picture of Saving T4 web pages button

When ready to publish edits, pick the SAVE AND APPROVE action.
When wanting to save edits for later without publishing yet, pick the SAVE AS DRAFT option.

Advice about content

As an early career researcher it is essential that you start establishing a visible research profile and make it easy for people to find you. All PGR students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this to highlight your research, your achievements and both traditional and alternative forms of communications for which you should be credited—be they research blogs, research reports, policy or other stakeholder engagement, non-academic media articles.

A profile based on the server will elevate your prominence in Google, and provides a credible platform from which to join together your other forms of social/digital media engagement. There is additional information in the section below called 'What sort of content should I include in my staff profile?'. Find out more about profiles and using social media in research.

Remember, think about who you are talking to. Don't exclude 95% of non-specialist visitors by using inaccessible jargon.

New PGR profiles

Your new profile URL will be:
The new profiles comprise a number of free text sections, allowing you to develop your content as you choose. An element of the template is drawn directly from MyCampus—your name, supervisors and thesis title. You will be automatically cross-referenced on your Supervisor’s Research Profile.

We will continue to develop some best practice examples within the School, but here are some good local profiles:

Older PGR Profiles

The new PGR Profile Templates (as described above) have only recently come into use. Many of our current crop of PGRs have their profiles stored under the former manual creation process. If your current profile has a URL which reads instead of the new URL of, then follow the instructions above to register for a new profile, cut and paste over your old details into the new template and save and approve. Then, let the SBOHVM Webteam know and we can swap out the links from the old page to your new one.

How do I update my staff profile page?

A staff research profile is a web page that contains information related to you and your work. You may edit your staff research profile using the university's web publishing Content Management System, Terminal 4 (T4).

All research active members of staff should already have a 'Research Profile'.
Honorary staff members don’t have a research profile by default but one can be set up for them by a request to the web team.
To access your staff research profile, you first need to have a T4 user account. If you need a T4 account, please visit the Managing Your Staff Research Profile webpage to register online.
If you already have a T4 user account but don’t have access to your profile, you can request access to it. Contact:

In order to start editing your profile, after registration, you will need to undergo a short training module to familiarise yourself with the T4 Content Management System. There is a useful guide to read regarding what is available to edit and what is automatically populated on your profile, available through download at the Managing Your Staff Research Profile link above.

There is some (extremely limited) administrative capacity to make minor changes and updates to your personal profile, which can be requested in an email to Siobhan Petrie or Claire Malcolm.
However, please note that profile update requests cannot always be prioritised as the mechanism is in place for you to do it yourself.

How do I change address, publications, grants etc. in my profile?

To update the following sections of your profile, staff members must contact the relevant offices indicated.

Address & contact information:
Your name and address can be changed on the HR Self Service Core Portal. Once logged in, click on 'Improve' in top-right of the screen. On the left, under 'Employee Detail', click 'Contacts' – here you can add 'Word Address Details' or update your work phone number). Contact if your details won't update.

Your publications:
This is populated from the University publication system Enlighten, which is managed by the University library in conjunction with the MVLS Research Office. Contact if your publication profile is incorrect. New staff members should send a publication list that covers previous affiliations to All staff members should be in the habit of entering their papers into Enlighten - in reality only one Glasgow author need do this on behalf of the others.

Your grants: 
This list is managed by the MVLS Research Office. Not all types of income appear on this list, nor do they link to useful information about them. You can add such information to your 'Research interests' below. If there are errors or omissions, please email, highlighting the problem and providing the amendment.

Addtional information: 
This is drawn from a database which is currently managed by the MVLS Research Office. Please email to supply updates or amendments.

What sort of content should I include in my staff profile?

You have several boxes within your staff profile—the keys ones being 'Biography', 'Research Interests' and 'Teaching'. Here you have the freedom to expand upon your research, partnerships and link to other people/sections of the website. Here you have the freedom to expand upon your research, partnerships and link to other people/sections of the website.

Not sure where to start?

Here are some suggestion as a minimum:

  • Photo: Add a profile picture (ideally 300x300 px). If you haven't claimed your profile yet, send it to
  • Biography: keep it short. Bear in mind conferences organisers, collaborators or anyone introducing you in an invited talk will want to describe you (and your background)—make it easy for others to do this! Explain who you are? What you do? Why it matters (it doesn't need to matter to everyone, but it does need to matter to your communities of interest).
  • Research interests summary: This is a 280 character (max.) field for 'research interests'—these are what populate the text in staff listings used around the website, e.g. Research Themes. Try to use language that best describes what you do, including key words—these will help people (such as potential PhD students) search for you. It is not visible in your profile itself.
  • Research interests:
    • Your ORCID ID
    • Current research activities (keep it brief, or link to them—see 'Additional options')
    • Five things you have achieved/started and are most proud of. SO useful to many audiences. A list of publications doesn't achieve this—even people with access to them won't distill your greatest achievements from them.
    • Signposts to other websites, e.g. personal site or project website
    • Link to online academic networking platforms (e.g. ResearchGate,, Mendeley)
    • Others platforms too, according to discipline
    • Link to social media accounts
    • Link to LinkedIn (for non-academic partners)
    • Link to Google Scholar (basic but useful)
  • Teaching: Details the courses you teach on. Consider linking to them. If you're constantly nagged for certain materials/resources, signpost to them in this section. Give direction on how, when and why you can be contacted by students at different levels. 


The vast majority of people who have arrived at your site will be after information on what you do, what you've done/found, who you work with. They will be especially pleased if you can say what you've done in the context of what everyone else has done. Other sections deal with your publications, so don't repeat these here unless you are adding value to them by linking to materials that help people understand them - be it project websites, other forms of writing media (press releases, presentations, blogs, your own lay summaries) about your work.

Further guidance is available in the slideshares embedded in PhD Opportunities page.

A good staff profile can be used both by you (and others!) to raise your visibilty simply by having a useful site to point people to. It is hard to do this if all people can do is point to a name on a page, or point to a research article behind a paywall. Your template can also provide a platform linking to and from social media (if used in a research/enagement context)—again, find out more about the value (and practicalities) of list of postgraduate websites.

Additional options

  • Active projects (grants): If you have active grants you can point to your research abstract in the 'using social media in research' table—if this table doesn't link to an abstract/layman's summary then please send one to
  • Research team: If you have graduate students or postdocs working for you, please list and link to them—here is the using social media in research; if someone is missing, please encourage them to get in touch with the Institute webteam to create a profile (and see PGR profile information below).
  • Recruitment: If you are recruiting postdoctoral staff or studentships, or want to present potential postdoc/studentship research areas, you should include these on your profile. You can also link to any funded projects listed on the Institute Funding Summary (details of funded projects, even if it's just a link to a listing, should be sent

Need some inspiration?

Here are a number of profiles by members of academic staff at various career stages. All take different approaches, but are informative, provide calls to action (to contact, or find out more) and connect you with their other activities.

Technical tips

The University has provided a very good repository of technical tips in order to edit your webpages in T4.

Please browse over to the Advice For Using T4 webpage whoch should be able to answer any queries you may have about picture sizing, text wrapping etc.

Again, if you're stuck, email for support.

Email signatures

Your University email address is a professional communication from an accredited source and as such you should not miss the opportunity to promote your affiliations, staff profile and Institute (or personal) social media.

We would like you to consider adding the Institute website on your e-mail signatures.

You may want to consider including the Twitter site (which has a growing number of influential followers):

Twitter: @UofGSBOHVM

also add any Special Interest Group you are associated with, or of course personal websites some of you have developed.

A suggested format might be:




School of Biodiversity, One Health, and Veterinary Medicine

University of Glasgow



UoG Staff profile: (e.g.

Group of personal site: (

Personal or School Twitter

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Google Scholar

We have a Google Scholar website

It would be good if you could add yourself to this, see Google Scholar instructions