Robert Rennie book of condolences

On 6th January 2021, Robert Rennie, Professor Emeritus of the School of Law, died in hospital after a short illness. The news has been received with incredible sadness amongst colleagues and former students in Glasgow and far beyond. As a scholar, a mentor, a proud member of the University community, a teacher, a colleague, and most of all as a friend, his loss will be keenly felt.

We invite people to share their memories of Professor Rennie as a teacher, a colleague or a friend.  Please email if you would like to add your message to our virtual book of condolences.


Messages of condolence

'A wonderful man with time to spare for those in need of his wisdom and guidance. Memories of him will continue to make me smile. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.'

- Gordon Cairns (via Facebook)


'So sad to hear this...remember his 9am conveyancing lectures in the ‘90s.'

- Denise Smith (via Facebook)


'I had cause to speak to Prof Rennie once and once only in the course of my professional life. I was a stranger to him. He could not possibly have been nicer. My sympathies to family, friends, and colleagues.'

- David Dickson (via Facebook)