Visiting Fellow: Dr Adriana Alfaro Altamirano

Hosted By: Dr Michael Frazer

Date of Visit: 17 May - 17 June 2024

Purpose of visitDr. Adriana Alfaro Altamirano is an Assistant Professor in Political Theory at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City. As a Visting Fellow at the University of Glasgow, she will be mainly working on three projects. First, she will be working on her paper titled "The Varieties of Judicial Empathy: Adam Smith, Self-knowledge, and the Affective Economies of the Courtroom," where she draws on Adam Smith in order to explore the nature of judicial empathy, based on her own fieldwork with criminal trial judges in Mexico. Second, she will be working with Dr. Michael Frazer on a new project on moral psychology and economics. Finally, she seeks to collaborate with faculty at the University of Glasgow to strengthen the links with one of the institutions in Latin America who has most endorsed the legacy of Smith—namely, ITAM—but which has focused disproportionately on Smith as an economic thinker, with the aim of conveying a richer and more comprehensive picture of his thought to college students in Mexico.