Visiting Fellow: Professor Andrea Lluch 

Hosted By: Professor Neil Rollings

Dates of visit: 01 June - 01 July 2024

Purpose of visit: During her research stay, she will be developing the content of a proposed research project with Prof. Neil Rollings on the role of organized business in re-establishing economic trading ties between the UK and Argentina after the 1982 Falklands War and until the 1990s.  In the context of a complete cessation of direct relations between Argentina and the UK, longstanding business relations were cut, and British and Argentinian businesses were forced to adapt to a very different environment. In particular, the research discusses the specific roles of the British Chamber of Commerce in the Argentine Republic. Based in Buenos Aires, the work of the organisation provides a window on the impact of the war on business relations between the two countries and the role of business in re-establishing trading and broader economic links between the two countries. Also, Andrea, during her research stay, will collaborate with GLOCAL activities in Glasgow in June 2024 (June 25th), participate in the Workshop Business History and Research on Latin America (June 18th), and visit the University archives to explore the collections insights into the business history of Latin America. Additionally, she will be participating as a speaker in the Business History Beyond Boundaries: Fourth International Summer School (July 3rd).

Bio: Andrea at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina)  is a researcher and at los Andes she is Associate Professor and a member of the History, Business, and Entrepreneurship Research Group (GHE) at the School of Management. She has been a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard Business School, and still collaborates as a Harvard DRCLAS Associate Researcher with the Harvard Business School Creating Emerging Markets Project. She is a former President of the Argentine Association of Economic History (2017-2021) and of the Business History Conference (BHC) (2021-2022). She has published several books, articles in international and national journals as well as book chapters on topics related to the business and economic history of Latin America, and Argentina in particular, in the 20th century