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Sgeamaichean Cànain

Published: 25 October 2020

New Language Schemes for both learners and fluent speakers of Gaelic!



Dè th’ ann an Guthan Oilthigh Ghlaschu?

‘S e sgeama ùr a th’ ann an Guthan Oilthigh Ghlaschu (GOG) a tha airson guthan oileanaich UofG aig a bheil Gàidhlig a thogail agus riochdachadh.

Dè bhiodh agam ri dhèanamh?

Thairis air latha, nì tu “gabhail thairis” air neo takeover, air Instagram UofG Gàidhlig. Bidh e an urra riut dè chuireas tu air an sgeulachd againn agus dh’fhaodadh tu a bhith cho cruthachail ‘s a ghabhas leis, cho fad ‘s gun cuir thu suas, cò-dhiù, 8 dealbhan/criomagan air sgeulachd Insta UofG Gàidhlig. Tha sinn airson an sgeulachd agad fhèin a chluinntinn. Tog do ghuth agus dèan gog!

Cò dha a tha an sgeama?

Tha sgeama GOG fosgailte do dh’oileanaich UofG aig a bheil Gàidhlig, ge bith dè an cuspair a tha thu a’ dèanamh gu h-acadaimigeach. Chan fheum thu a bhith buileach fileanta sa Ghàidhlig – tha fàilte air luchd-ionnsachaidh pàirt a ghabhail ann cuideachd. Tha sinn airson na coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig bho air feadh UofG a thaisbeanadh! Gheibh oileanaich a ghabhas pàirt san sgeama, £25.00.

Chan eil fios 'am am biodh rud sam bith inntinneach agam ri ràdh…

Na gabh dragh! Chan fheum thu a bhith a’ sreap beanntan no a’ leum a-mach à plèana gus pàirt a ghabhail ann – tha sinn airson ionnsachadh mu do dheidhinnsa! Innis dhuinn cò thusa, dè an cuspair a tha thu a’ dèanamh, na cur-seachadan a th’ agad - rud sam bith! ‘S urrainn do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil Gàidhlig (fiù ‘s ma ‘s e glè bheag a th’ ann) pàirt a ghabhail anns a’ sgeama. ‘S e na guthan agaibhse a tha sinn airson a chluinntinn! An aon riaghailt a th’ againn – cùm glan an cainnt, mas e do thoil e.

Ciamar a ghabhas mi pàirt ann?

Nam bu toil leat pàirt a ghabhail sa sgeama, nach cuir thu fios do Rowan Paterson aig rowan.paterson@glasgow.ac.uk .


What is Guthan Oilthigh Ghlaschu?

Guthan Oilthigh Ghlaschu (GOG) is a new scheme that aims to showcase life at the University of Glasgow through the lives of Gaelic-speaking students, studying a broad-range of subjects across UofG.

 What would I need to do, to take part?

Over the course of a day, you will take over the UofG Gàidhlig Instagram account and it’s up to you what you post on our story – you’ll have complete creative control, so long as you post a minimum of 8 photos/clips. We want to hear your voice! We only ask that you keep it clean – no bad language please.

 Who can participate?

GOG is open to all Gaelic-speaking UofG students, regardless of what you’re studying. You needn’t be completely fluent in Gaelic to participate; learners are welcome too. We want to hear from all of the UofG Gaelic community! Students that participate in the scheme will receive £25.00.

 I’m not sure whether I’d have anything interesting to say…

Don’t worry! You don’t need to be scaling mountains or leaping from planes to take part – we want to learn about you! You can post about who you are, what you’re studying, your hobbies – anything at all! Anyone with Gaelic (even if it’s just a little) can take part in the scheme. It’s your voice we want to represent!

 How do I take part?

If you’d like to participate in Guthan Oilthigh Ghlaschu or find out more about the scheme, please contact Rowan Paterson at rowan.paterson@glasgow.ac.uk



Dè th’ ann an Caraidean Cànain?

'S e sgeama cànain a th' ann an Caraidean Cànain do dh'oileanaich UofG air a' Bhliadhna Bhogaidh agus oileanaich UofG a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig (bho chuspair sam bith). ‘S e am prìomh amas den sgeama gum faigh oileanaich UofG a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig, an cothrom a bhith cabadaich agus a’ neartachadh nan sgilean cainnt aca, fhad ‘s a tha iad a’ cur eòlas air, agus a’ togail càirdeas le oileanach UofG a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. ‘S e deagh chothrom a th’ ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh bho a’ chèile ann an dòigh a tha neo-fhoirmeil agus spòrsail.

Ciamar a tha Caraidean Cànain ag obair?

Bidh com-pàirtichean an sgeama a’ coinneachadh ri chèile air Zoom trì tursan tron seimeastair, airson leth uair a thìde (no faisg air) gach turas. Tha na h-amannan coinneachaidh sùbailte, is bidh e an urra ribhse cuin a bhios sibh a’ cumail nan seiseanan seo agus cuideachd, cò na cuspairean air a bhios sibh a’ cabadaich. Bu chòirear Gàidhlig a-mhàin a chleachdadh nuair a tha sibh a’ conaltradh – cho math ‘s a ‘s urrainnear. Thig riochdaire UofG Gàidhlig a chèilidh oirbh aig aon de na coinneamhan agaibh, gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil sibh riaraichte gu leòr leis an sgeama.

Cò dha a tha an sgeama?

‘S e sgeama ùra a tha seo a tha fosgailte do luchd-ionnsachaidh air a’ Bhliadhna Bhogaidh agus oileanaich UofG (a tha a’ dèanamh cuspair sam bith) a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. Ma dh’fhaoidte gun tèid an sgeama fhosgladh a-mach do dh’oileanaich eile san àm ri teachd ri lìnn soirbheachas a’ chiad bliadhna a tha seo. Ma ‘s e oileanach fileanta a th’ annad is tu a’ gabhail pàirt san sgeama, gheibh thu eàrlas £30.00 ri chleachdadh ann am bùth an oilthighe, aig deireadh an sgeama.

Ciamar a ghabhas mi pàirt ann?

Nam bu toil leat pàirt a ghabhail san sgeama, nach cuir thu fios do Rowan Paterson aig rowan.paterson@glasgow.ac.uk .


What is Caraidean Cànain? 

Caraidean Cànain is a new language buddy scheme for UofG students on the Gaelic Immersion Course as well as, UofG students who are fluent in Gaelic (studying any subject).

The main aim of the Caraidean Cànain scheme is to provide UofG students who are currently learning Gaelic, with the opportunity to strengthen their spoken language skills, whilst meeting and building a friendship with another UofG student, who is fluent in Gaelic. It’s a great way for both parties to learn from each other in a way that is informal and fun.

How does the scheme work?

Participants will meet with their caraid cànain (language buddy) on Zoom, three times during the semester, for half an hour each time (or thereabouts). When you meet is flexible and will be completely up to you and your caraid cànain – as will topics of conversation. Meetings should be held entirely in Gaelic – as much as is possible. A UofG Gàidhlig representative will visit you during one of your Zoom chats, to make sure that you are satisfied with the scheme.

Who can join the scheme?

This is a new scheme which is open to students currently studying on the UofG Bliadhna Bhogaidh (Gaelic Immersion) course, as well as fluent, Gaelic-speaking, UofG students (studying any course). Depending on the success of this inaugural year, there is scope for the scheme to be opened up to other UofG students learning Gaelic. Upon completion of the scheme, fluent students taking part in the scheme will be rewarded a £30.00 voucher that can be redeemed at the University shop.

How do I take part?

If you’d like to participate in Caraidean Cànain or find out more about the scheme, please contact Rowan Paterson at rowan.paterson@glasgow.ac.uk 




Airson barrachd fios neo airson pàirt a ghabhail: 

Rowan Paterson

Co-òrdanaiche Ionnsachaidh & Tachartasan

Gaelic Learning & Events Coordinator


First published: 25 October 2020

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