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Seachdain Slàinte is Sunnd

Published: 23 November 2020

Seachdain Slàinte is Sunnd Health and Wellbeing Week

Health and Wellbeing Week 

24 - 26 Samhain 

Ann an co-bhonn le Comunn Oiseanach agus Taigh na Gàidhlig, tha sinn toilichte an t-seachdain sònraichte seo a thoirt thugaibh son a' chiad uair. 

Tha an t-seachdain ag amas air taic a chumail le oileanaich UofG aig an àm duilich agus mì-chinnteach a tha seo ri linn an suidheachadh leantainneach le coròna-bhìoras.

Tha deagh mheasgachadh de sheiseanan saor 's an-asgaidh gu bhith againn a' gabhail àite thairis air trì latha air Zoom - le seiseanan air slàinte-inntinn, ealain, furachas agus spòrs nam measg! 

24 Samhain
Q&A Slàinte-Inntinn le Saidhg-Eòlaiche Rachel Allan

25 Samhain
Ealain is Furachas le Catherine Tinney

26 Samhain
Fàs Arranta le FC Sonas


In collaboration with Comunn Oiseanach and Taigh na Gàidhlig, we are very happy to bring you "Seachdain Slàinte is Sunnd", a mental health and wellbeing week to support UofG students in coping with difficulties and uncertainties they may be facing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

We have a great variety of (free!) sessions which will be held over three days on Zoom - including sessions on mental health, art and mindfulness and a home workout commissioned especially for UofG students! Sessions will be held through the medium of Gaelic and all students are welcome!

Mental Health Q&A with Psychologist Rachel Allan

25 November
Art and Mindfulness with Catherine Tinney

26 November
Get Fit with FC Sonas

First published: 23 November 2020

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