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SUIRBHIDH - Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu

Published: 19 April 2021

COMMUNITY SURVEY - Gaelic in Glasgow and the surrounding areas in collaboration with Glasgow City Council

Bu mhath leinn ur beachdan! 

English below

Ag obair ann an co-bhonn le Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu, tha sinn a' sireadh bheachdan na coimhearsnachd mu Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu agus na sgìrean mu thimcheall. Bhitheamaid fada nur comain nan lìonadh sibh an t-suirbhidh seo - Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu.  

Tha adhbhar na suirbhidh co-obrachail seo trì-fhillte: 
  1. tuigse bhunasach fhaotainn den choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu san latha an-diugh, a’ gabhail a-steach ìrean comasachd sa chànan, pàtranan cleachdaidh air a’ chànan agus ùidhean 
  2. beachdan na coimhearsnachd a thional, a chuidicheas le iomairtean leasachaidh èifeachdach a chumadh 
  3. rannsachadh leantainneach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu fhiosrachadh mu thaic do choimhearsnachdan mhion-chànanan ann an suidheachaidhean bailteil.

We're looking for your views! 

As part of a partnership with Glasgow City Council, we are currently seeking the views of the Gaelic community in Glasgow and the surrounding areas and we'd be most grateful if you could complete our community survey on Gaelic in Glasgow.

The purpose of this collaborative survey is threefold:
  1. to gain a foundational understanding of the Gaelic community in Glasgow today including language proficency levels, language usage patterns and interests
  2. to gather community views that will help shape effective development initiatives
  3. to inform ongoing research at the University of Glasgow on support for minority language communities in urban settings.

First published: 19 April 2021

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