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Latha na Gàidhlig 2021

Published: 18 March 2021

Oilthigh Ghlaschu a' comharrachadh Latha na Gàidhlig 2021 air Dimàirt 23 Màrt || The University of Glasgow's annual Gaelic Language Day 2021 on Tuesday 23 March

Tha an t-àm ann a-rithist is Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ comharrachadh Latha na Gàidhlig air an 23.03.21! Ged nach urrainn dhuinn a’ bhith a’ cumail thachartasan mar as àbhaist ri lìnn an glasadh-sluaigh, tha latha trang, làn cothroman gu bhith ann le diofar dhòighean dhuibh a dhol an sàs ann. Thoiribh sùil gu h-ìosal air na tha dol agus cuimhnichibh, ged a tha sinn car sgapte am bliadhna, tha coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig fhathast #CòmhlaAirAstar.

On the 23.02.21, the University of Glasgow will be hosting Gaelic Language Day! Although we can’t celebrate in our usual way this year due to lockdown, we’ve still got a busy, full day of activities planned for you – with plenty of opportunities to get involved and show your support to Gaelic! Take a look at what’s coming up and remember, even though we may be separated at the moment, we’re still together at a distance! #CòmhlaAirAstar

Clàr-ama Latha na Gàidhlig 21

Latha na Gàidhlig - Na Meadhanan Sòisealta 21

First published: 18 March 2021

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