SCAF Webinars

Published: 28 March 2024

Upcoming and past webinars about work relevant to the Alliance.

SCAF Webinar Series

We host a series of online webinars every 6 weeks to showcase the depth and breadth of work relevant to the alliance. Webinars are held either during the working day at 1pm, or in the evening, at 7pm. Each webinar will feature two speakers presenting for ~20 minutes, followed by a discussion and Q&A.

We are looking for speakers! Whilst we aim for a research and innovation focus, we would like to feature the work across sectors and disciplines within the broader topic of food. Early career members are particularly encouraged to come forward.

Register yourself or nominate someone at this link.


Upcoming webinars

 25/06, 1pm - 4:30pm: - Early Career Network Meeting - Register here.


Past webinars

All recordings and slides for our past webinars are shared with our SCAF members on our Slack platform. Not a SCAF member? Membership is free, and everyone interested in the broader topic of food is invited to join, including members of the public. Join the Alliance here

Are you a SCAF member but not yet on Slack? All SCAF members are invited to join our collaboration and networking platform – for an opportunity to meet colleagues and share resources. Look out for the Slack joining link sent to you in the welcome email, or contact for a new one.


28/05, 1pm: Livestock Microbiota - Dr Laura Glendinning (Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Edinburgh) and Dr Mick Watson (Principal Scientist at DSM Firmenich). 


16/04, 7 pm: Vertical Farming - Prof Derek Stewart (Director of the Advanced Plant Growth Centre at the James Hutton Institute) and Prof Nicola Holden (Food Security Challenge Centre Lead at the SRUC). 


05/03, 1 pm: Sustainable Food Choices - Dr Tess Davis, Research Associate, and Ms Maddie Sinclair, PhD student, from the University of Glasgow.


First published: 28 March 2024